The “arms-only” golf swing refers to a swing technique where the golfer relies primarily on their arms for power and movement, neglecting the proper involvement of the rest of the body. This swing flaw can lead to inconsistent ball striking, lack of distance, and difficulty in achieving proper swing mechanics. Here are some causes and potential cures for an arms-only golf swing:

Causes of an Arms-Only Golf Swing:

  1. Lack of Body Rotation: One common cause of an arms-only swing is a lack of proper body rotation. If the golfer fails to engage their core and rotate their hips and torso during the swing, they may compensate by relying excessively on their arms for power.
  2. Tightness or Lack of Flexibility: Limited flexibility or tightness in the muscles and joints, especially in the shoulders, can hinder the golfer's ability to make a full body turn. This restriction may lead to over-reliance on the arms.
  3. Lack of Awareness or Training: Some golfers may simply lack the knowledge or understanding of proper swing mechanics, leading them to rely heavily on their arms. Inadequate training or improper instruction can contribute to this swing flaw.

Cures for an Arms-Only Golf Swing:

  1. Focus on Body Rotation: To correct an arms-only swing, it is important to focus on incorporating proper body rotation into the swing. Engage the hips, torso, and shoulders in the swing, allowing them to initiate the movement while the arms follow.
  2. Develop Proper Sequencing: Work on developing the proper sequencing of the golf swing, where the body initiates the downswing, followed by the arms and club. This ensures that the power and energy are transferred effectively throughout the swing.
  3. Strengthen and Improve Flexibility: Regular stretching and exercises targeting flexibility and rotational mobility can improve your ability to make a full body turn. Work on strengthening your core and improving flexibility in the hips, shoulders, and thoracic spine.
  4. Seek Professional Instruction: Consider taking lessons from a qualified golf instructor who can identify specific swing flaws and provide tailored guidance and drills to correct an arms-only swing. They can help you develop proper swing mechanics and a better understanding of the overall swing motion.
  5. Practice with Swing Aids: Utilize training aids or tools such as alignment sticks, weighted clubs, or swing trainers designed to promote proper body rotation and engagement of the entire body in the swing. These aids can provide feedback and help you feel the correct sequencing of the swing.
  6. Video Analysis: Use video analysis to visually assess your swing and compare it to professional golfers or instructors. This can help identify areas where you may be relying too much on the arms and guide your practice and improvement efforts.

Remember that correcting swing flaws takes time and practice. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to develop a more balanced and efficient golf swing that incorporates the proper involvement of your entire body.