- Thin contact. This is a classic sign of a poor shoulder turn, as you haven’t given your backswing enough time to complete and get the club into position. If you notice that you are hitting consistently thin shots throughout the round, try taking an extra moment during your backswing to complete the shoulder turn. Hopefully, you will be able to quickly make the change and start to hit the ball solidly again.
- Shots pushed out to the right (for a right handed golfer). When you are unable to get the club all the way back square at impact, a shot that heads out to the right is a likely result. This can often occur because of an incomplete shoulder turn which leaves the club trailing behind the rest of your body. The other option in this case is a hook, if you are able to release the club in time. So, if you are fighting a push or a hook, or both, check your shoulder turn right away.
- Loss of distance. Ever have a round where you don’t seem to be able to get the full distance that you normally achieve with your clubs? There is a good chance that your shoulder turn is coming up short. As discussed previously, the shoulder turn is the engine of the swing, and completing it is the best way you can build power.
- As you can see from this quick list, there are plenty of problems that can arise simply from failing to complete your shoulder turn. Not only does the shoulder turn put the golf club into the right position from which to swing down into the ball, but it also has a lot to do with the tempo and rhythm that your swing has. Without a good shoulder turn, you are going to find it very difficult to achieve the level of consistency required in your ball striking to play good golf.
The golf shoulder turn might seem like one of the more basic elements of the swing, but it is crucially important and should remain at the top of your priority list when practicing your technique. It is a common mistake to get caught up in the advanced mechanics that some golf teachers promote – all while failing to remember the basics. Things like your shoulder turn, your grip, balance, and more will always remain the elements in the swing that deserve most of your attention. Keep your thinking simple and you will likely be happy with the results.
To review, your process to improve the shoulder turn in your golf swing should start with a review of your current swing, move on to a check of your fitness level, and then on to addressing the exact technique of making a good shoulder turn. Only when all of those steps have been completed can you feel confident that you are doing everything you can to address this important swing fundamental. With a good golf shoulder turn in place, one of the biggest hurdles to playing good golf will be out of your way. Remember to pay attention to your shoulder turn on an ongoing basis so that it doesn’t become a problem again later on down the road. Thanks for reading, and play well!

One of the challenges that all golfers face is determining the cause of problems that they run into on the golf course. Every player knows the feeling of hitting some poor shots during a round and not being able to figure out exactly what is going wrong or how to fix it quickly. Sometimes, those problems in your golf swing technique can be related to your shoulder turn, so it helps to know some of the warning signs for these issues. If you are experiencing any of the problems below, take a close look at your shoulder turn as the possible cause of the problem –