If you're a fan of the brand, you probably know everything about the iconic Attas line, which has been winning the hearts and minds of North American golfers since its inception. The good news for 2020 is that UST Mamiya announced the latest-gen Attas 11 shafts, which follow the tremendous success of the Attas line, now in carbon fiber. So, yeah, the new Attas 11 shafts are as high tech as they come, boasting M40X carbon fiber to be more precise, for better feel and higher launch. However, all these high tech innovations are not sacrificing control according to UST Mamiya, i.e. the Atta 11 shafts are the best so far.
If you're asking what's the difference between the Atta 11 shafts and previous “sans carbon fiber” versions, well, that's the difference actually: the carbon fiber itself. All jokes aside, M40X carbon fiber is scientifically proven and all that to improve energy transfer to the ball and also dramatically improves feel. Now, let's see about that specific M40X carbon fiber: this special type of carbon fiber was developed by a company called Toray. Toray is actually a manufacturer of prepreg raw materials carbon fiber, and M40X carbon fiber is superior in terms of tensile strength to other carbon fiber varieties. On top of that, M40X carbon fiber increases the equivalent tensile modulus by thirty percent compared to regular carbon fiber. If all this sounds like gibberish to you, don't worry, here's how it works: tensile modulus is basically tensile elasticity, which represents the tendency of objects to deform along an axis, provided an opposing force is applied along the respective axis.
Generally speaking, stiffer and/or stronger materials have a lower tensile strength, which means the stiffer/tougher a given material is, the less tensile strength has, i.e. it’s more resistant to break up when put under heavy stress. The ideal scenario would be to create a strong enough yet resistant to breaking material, so when you put it under stress, it won’t break, so you can bend it more and more. The thing is, the more the material bends, the more energy is stored then released. Getting back to our story, the new Attas 11 uses exactly that type of material described previously, the M40X carbon fiber gizmo, which means that UST Mamiya created a shaft that is very flexible on a molecular level, yet stronger than regular carbon-fiber shafts. A match made in Heaven, if you like, or the best of both worlds. Another interesting design feature of the Attas 11 is the constant taper from butt to tip of the shaft. And yes, by doing so, UST Mamiya improved overall feel in their new shaft. Finally, if you’re already sold, the bad news is that the new Attas 11 is pretty expensive at $350 MSRP, but you know that saying: no pain, no gain!