If you’re serious about golf and you’re the kind of person who enjoys living “in the current year”, you’ve probably already owned a few golf gadgets so far, including a golf-centric smartwatch. However, we have good news for you, as the PRO TREK WSD-F30 smartwatch with Hole19 is available for purchase, and if you’re wondering what’s so great about it, well, it’s the Hole19 thing that caught our attention. So, what’s up with this Pro Trek gizmo, you asked? Well, if you’re shopping for the best golf smartwatch money can buy, look no further, as we’ve already found it.
To begin with, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 is a stylish gadget, which means wearing it both on and off the golf course will not be an embarrassing experience; and yes, that counts in the big scheme of things if you’re not an 18 years old anymore. Another factoid worth mentioning is that Pro Trek is a Casio brand, more precisely the company’s outdoors division so to speak, and since it’s made in Japan, it comes with the latest technological bells and whistles one can think of. But, besides packing a lot of “outdoors” features to please the most exigent outdoors enthusiasts, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 boasts a thing called Hole19. That’s what really caught or attention to be honest, because due to the Hole19 feature, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 is arguably the best smartwatch (if not the perfect choice) for golf aficionados.
So, what is it? Well, besides providing you with the classic stuff, like GPS yardages and things of that nature, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 includes a golf app improbably named Hole19, which comes with distance details for almost any golf course in the world. 42,000 of them anyway, which pretty much covers all the 6 continents. And if that’s not enough for our readers, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 will provide you with exceptionally accurate reading for those “uncharted territories” via GPS measurements, so yes, Casio got all their bases covered with this baby. Needless to say, Hole19 is arguably one of the best apps in the game today, as it allows you to track your game in real time/hassle free as it doesn’t require you to connect your smartphone, or a viable internet connection to work its magic. Basically, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 is a standalone tool, which is great; however, you’ll be required to use your smartphone (and who doesn’t own one nowadays) to register/sign in to your account. But, as soon you’ve downloaded all the maps you require to play your favorite courses, the PRO TREK WSD-F30 will be perfectly capable to assist you “offline”, which is kind of cool and unique. Rest assured, as you’ll be able to check your scores post-round on your smartphone if one so inclined, or by visiting the Hole19 Clubhouse.
The golf smartwatch will also allow you to track your scores in Strokeplay or Stableford format, and it will obviously save all your strokes, putts included, as well as penalties, bunker shots and fairway hits. Moreover, there’s an excellent flyover feature available, which gives you a birds’ eye view of the “battlefield”, so you can see from a vantage point your upcoming hole and plan your next move, i.e. what hazards are in the way, angles and what not. The watch only requires a couple of seconds to switch from the regular yardage view to flyover.
Now, since we’re talking outdoors use and Casio (think along the lines of Gshock), it comes as no surprise that the smartwatch is as tough as nails as it’s built to comply with military standards (Mil-spec and all that), and truth be told, you can literally drive your car over or hit it to a wall, and it wouldn’t break, but ask for seconds. The WSD-F30’s operating system is powered by Google’s Wear OS, and there are many other apps available besides the glorious Hole19. The WSD-F30 has plenty of features, including one that allows you to see a full color map if there’s no GPS signal available, which is great for trekkers and bikers. Phone notifications are also available, provided you pair your smartphone with your golf watch, so each time you receive a phone call, text message, email or whatever, the watch will give you a heads-up via vibration. Finally, the WSD-F30 is available in 3 color ways, ranging from “full black” to Black/Blue and Black/Orange, for approximately $550 MSRP.