If you’re that kind of golfer who likes to keep their gear in pristine condition at all times, you’ll definitely love the new Big Max Spine gizmo, a high tech accessory specially designed to make sure your precious (and probably very expensive) golf clubs are safe and sound as you’re traveling, or during transit or whatever. Basically, if you travel a lot, or if you plan to go on a golf holiday, the new Big Max Spine would fit you like a glove, provided you abhor the sight of a broken or damaged set of clubs, after being “processed” in an airport.
Here’s where the Big Max Spine comes into play: instead of using a heavy duty travel case which weighs a ton, and insane amounts of padding to keep your golf clubs safe, you can use Big Max to perform the “protection racket” with flying colors. If we sound cryptic, check this out: Big Max is literally a cleverly designed bodyguard for your golf clubs, an extendable rigid support of sorts which is placed inside your golf bag, and obviously can be extended upwards as required, above the height of your longest driver/club. Big Max’s innovation consists of an octagonal cap located at the top, resting against the top of the travel cover, as well as aluminum tubing, which is aimed at further supporting the bag, and also to create a space or gap between the top of the cover and the clubs, sans adding excess weight to the whole shebang. This is a very ingenious design and it also works splendidly, as it provides a literal backbone to your golf bag, thus helping with protecting your precious gear during travel/transit, not to mention those obnoxious baggage handlers.