- Play to Win Golf Pack 1991
- A Nasty Bit of Rough 2002
- An Idiot for All Seasons 2003
- Golf 1987
- A Beastly Turn of Events 2004
- Somewhere in Ireland a Village is Missing an Idiot 2003
- David Feherty’s Totally Subjective History of the Ryder Cup 2004
- The Power of Positive Idiocy 2010

I know that this is a bit off topic, but this book by David Feherty is sure to be as much of a golf classic to readers as Caddyshack is to movie enthusiasts. Read this review by Publishers Weekly:
This first novel by broadcaster and Golf Magazine columnist Feherty is a totally silly, completely unbelievable tall tale that succeeds more often than it fails because of the vibrancy of the voice and the straightforwardness of the telling. Scrought's Wood is the world's oldest and strangest golf course, so venerable it makes St. Andrew's look like a teenager. The membership has dwindled to nine, and the club, buried deep in Scottish gorse and heather, is virtually unknown to the outside world. Every 50 years, led by its owner and chairman Sir Richard Gusset (“Uncle Dickie”), its members compete in a golf match against the McGregor clan, a rough and ready gaggle of Scottish hillbillies, the prize being the petrified middle finger of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. Scrought's Wood, using very devious tactics, wins “The Digit,” as it is known, only to have it stolen back by the MacGregor’s while the old duffers are reveling in their victory. Scrought's Wood's members are gleefully eccentric, plagued by hilarious ailments, defects and unmentionable afflictions. When the outside world insists they allow a woman to join the club, one of the old-timers has a sex change operation. It would be awfully easy to dismiss this novel as trivial and inane, for many of the jokes are painfully set-up groaners, while others miss the mark entirely. Overall, one is often reminded of smirking teenage boys talking about sex. But there is a cheerfulness and a spit-in-the-face-of-authority aura about it that makes it the Naked Gun of golf literature.
David Feherty is a former professional golfer who is now one of the most entertaining golf commentators on the air today. His insight into the game and droll way of sharing with his audience is refreshing to say the least. I for one look forward to his weekly verbiage.
Below is a complete list of David’s published works