Golf Club Review AT 505 Irons by Thomas Golf

Industry vs.Thomas Golf

A Comparison Chart of 7 Iron Club Head Alignment Error

Test results by an independent research study at the University of Central Florida. Players did not have any previous experience with Thomas Golf clubs,and were not informed as to the purpose of the club's design. We saw similar results when testing other Thomas Golf models, like the AT 510, AT 602, AT 100, also hybrid golf clubs AT 705 and AT 725.

Handicap breakdown: Low = scratch-5 Mid = 6-12 High = 13+

Type of Player
Alignment Error
Industry/Thomas Golf

Distance from pin(ft.)
Industry/Thomas Golf
Feet closer to pin using Thomas Golf
Low handicap 3.0° / 1.9° 23.6 / 14.9 8.7
Mid handicap 4.3° / 2.2° 33.8 / 17.3 16.5
High handicap 4.9° / 2.7° 38.5 / 21.2 17.3