Golf Info Guide The Key Principles Vol 2 This book (now available in Paperback and eBook) offers PGA teaching pros explaining golf's key principles including the meaning of the most important golf terms, how it applies to each aspect of the game, and how to apply it correctly to your game.
Golf is a sport that's often perceived as being difficult and requiring much skill, but professional players and instructors know there are certain key principles that will greatly benefit the game of any player. This guide dives into those principles, so you the Golfer can identify, and improve problem areas in both your long and short game. In this book, PGA teaching pros take you step-by-step through each principle, explaining in detail how to apply each one to the improvement of your game… with insightful suggestions, drills, and helpful photos/illustrations.
Golf is a challenging sport that can be played by people of all ages and abilities, but the golf swing can be tough to master. It is normal to have some aspect of your swing that needs work, nearly everyone does. Just by making a few adjustments, you can make significant changes to your swing path, lengthen or strengthen your drive, improve shot accuracy, and so much more.
Chapter 1: Alignment
“Get into the habit of hitting every range shot with a very specific target.”
Chapter 2: Connected
“A connected swing looks simple and even 'easy' – which is exactly what you want.”
Chapter 3: Distance
“Golfers who try to overpower the ball in order to hit long drives are going to be frustrated and disappointed with the results.”
Chapter 4: Accuracy
“The importance of picking targets is directly related to your accuracy on the course.”
Chapter 5: Downhill
“When in-between clubs on a downslope, always go with the longer club so you can swing easy and focus on balance.”
Chapter 6: Extension
“If you fail to extend your arms through impact, you are going to be missing out on power that could have been generated otherwise.”
Chapter 7: Address
“Golf is all about removing variables prior to making a swing.”
Chapter 8: Check Points
“Many of the important checkpoints you can monitor will be found before the swing even starts.”
Chapter 9: Aim
“Only when you know how to aim correctly will all of the work that you have done on your swing mechanics start to pay off.”
Chapter 10: Chicken Wing
“The chicken wing in the golf swing leads to a loss of power
Chapter 11: Arms
“While you have to have your body mechanics under control in order to swing in a relaxed state, you also need your mind to be in the right place.”
Chapter 12: Balance
“Learning to stay balanced throughout the swing is a huge step in the right direction when quality ball-striking is the goal.”
Charter 13: Confidence
“Confidence is an extremely important piece of the overall golf puzzle, yet it’s not something you can practice in the traditional sense.”
Chapter 14: Backswing
“Without a quality backswing, it will be nearly impossible to strike your drives with authority and accuracy.”
Chapter 15: Bounce
“Bounce angle was introduced into the game by legendary golfer and club pioneer Gene Sarazen.”
Chapter 16: Consistency
“The swing is a fast, dynamic action, and it’s hard to get all of the parts working together properly each time.”
Chapter 17: Divots
“The key is to make your divot the right size and take it out of the right spot in the ground, as compared to the ball.”
Chapter 18: Draw Shot
“In reality, it isn't all that complicated to hit a draw.”
Chapter 19: Elbows
“Keeping golf as simple as possible is one of the main keys to playing well.”
Chapter 20: Eyes
“If you use your eyes incorrectly during the swing, you may be making things harder than they need to be.”