Left Handed Golf Tips: Why Forward Bend Might Be Lost During The Golf Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Why Forward Bend Might Be Lost During The Golf Swing (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: One key area I see many golfers struggle with when they come in for lessons is when they start to lose that forward and through the shot. Now if they've got correct posture at address that's fantastic but as they start to approach the ball you tend to find that their hips will on some people start to move forwards coming into impact into this early extension position here.


Lefties only golf tips: One key area I see many golfers struggle with when they come in for lessons is when they start to lose that forward and through the shot. Now if they've got correct posture at address that's fantastic but as they start to approach the ball you tend to find that their hips will on some people start to move forwards coming into impact into this early extension position here.