Target Techniques Making Smart Decisions

Target Techniques Making Smart Decisions

It is one thing to understand how to pick targets and find target lines that work for your ball flight and trajectory. It is another thing entirely, however, to make smart decisions while on the course. If you are going to actually lower your scores in the near future, you need to commit to picking smart targets over and over again. You can’t go a few holes while making good decisions only to slide back into bad habits – that just isn’t going to work. Dedicate yourself to being a smart player and you will be able to reap the rewards.

So, what does it mean to pick smart targets? The list below highlights some of the key points.

  • Always weigh the risk/reward equation. We aren’t trying to tell you that it is never okay to take on a risk on the golf course. Not only would playing risk-free golf be pretty boring, it would not be the optimal way to play. Sometimes, you need to take a chance if you are going to be rewarded. However, you need to make sure the risks you take come along with suitable rewards. For instance, trying to carry a water hazard isn’t going to be worth it if you will still be left with a difficult shot once on the other side. When deciding to take on a risky shot, think clearly about what your reward will be if you pull it off. Only when the reward is significant enough to justify the risk should you go for it.
  • Know your tendencies. All golfers have tendencies, and you need to know your own if you are going to make smart choices on the course. For example, some players who usually hit a draw will throw in a block out to the right from time to time. If that were the case in your game, you would need to be careful about taking on shots where a hazard or out of bounds was lurking only a bit right of the target. Even though you usually turn the ball left, you can play it safe knowing that you have a tendency to miss to the right on occasion. This is why you have to make decisions on a case by case basis in this game – there are too many variables at work to stick with a standard ‘playbook’.
  • Set your temper to the side. If you go through a string of poor holes during a round, you might get frustrated and just start to aim directly at the hole every time – regardless of the situation. This is a great way to allow things to go from bad to worse. Rather than letting your round spiral out of control, be patient and keep picking smart targets – even if you aren’t playing as well as you had hoped.
  • Golf is a mental challenge. Most golfers think that the swing is the hardest part of the game – and it’s a challenge, to be sure – but that’s only part of it. To go along with a reliable swing, you also need to make smart choices from the first tee to the last green.