Left Handed Golf Tips: Causes And Cures Of Leaving Bunker Shot In The Sand (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Causes And Cures Of Leaving Bunker Shot In The Sand (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: There's not going to be many times on the golf course where the golfer is pleased to find their ball in a bunker. So when we find ourselves in a bunker often were a little bit exasperated by the fact that the ball is in here and rather than being on there or more importantly been on the putting surface already.


Lefties only golf tips: There's not going to be many times on the golf course where the golfer is pleased to find their ball in a bunker. So when we find ourselves in a bunker often were a little bit exasperated by the fact that the ball is in here and rather than being on there or more importantly been on the putting surface already.