© Taylormade Golf
Taylormade might be known for their drivers, but they can certainly produce quality clubs for the rest of your game as well.
Through the years, Taylormade has built some of the most popular iron sets in the game, and the PSi series is their latest entry. One of the interesting elements to this set of clubs is the way Taylormade approached the design of the long irons and the short irons from unique angles. Since hitting a long iron is actually quite different from striking a short iron shot, the PSi irons feature elements within each portion of the set that help those clubs perform their best. For example, the long irons have tungsten weighting to help you feel the club head throughout the swing, while the short irons are forged for great feedback into your hands.
Appearance is a big piece of the puzzle when picking out an iron set, and many players will love the look of the PSi clubs when they stand over the ball at address. These are clubs that have been designed for serious players, and that is obvious by the clean lines that have been used to give the irons an understated, professional look. There is nothing distracting about looking down at the PSi's from above, meaning your mind will be free to focus on executing a great swing time after time.
The differences between the standard PSi irons and the Tour version are subtle, but important. First, all of the club heads are forged in the Tour set, and the offsets are minimal. Minimal offset is common among sets of clubs that are designed for good players, as those with consistent swings don't need the forgiveness and ball flight help that is provided by a large offset in the hosel. The PSi Tour irons look thin from the top, as they have both a thin top line and a thin sole – again, these are characteristics that are often sought after by the better players in the game.
Don't make the mistake that so many other players make in picking the Tour model just because those are the clubs used by the best players. Unless you are actually good enough to use that set, you will only be hurting your chances of posting good scores. Be realistic about your own game and your own abilities before picking out which set of PSi irons is best for you. The sets share many performance characteristics, and only differ slightly in terms of look and feel. Rather than getting in over your head with a set of clubs that you aren't good enough to use correctly, demo both options and pick the one that is going to help you move the ball around the course successfully.