Left Handed Golf Question: Why cant I get out of a bunker in one shot (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: Why cant I get out of a bunker in one shot (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: Not getting out of a bunker in one shot is quite a critical part of someone’s score and their overall game and handicap. Most people in around the golf are probably going to go in one or two bunkers and if you’re not a very experienced golfer maybe five or six bunkers in every round of golf. And obviously if you go in a bunker and you take two to get out very time that’s going to be quite frustrating, and it’s going to add the scores up a little bit as well.


Lefties only golf tip: Not getting out of a bunker in one shot is quite a critical part of someone’s score and their overall game and handicap. Most people in around the golf are probably going to go in one or two bunkers and if you’re not a very experienced golfer maybe five or six bunkers in every round of golf. And obviously if you go in a bunker and you take two to get out very time that’s going to be quite frustrating, and it’s going to add the scores up a little bit as well.