Stacy Lewis is a 30 year old American golfer who already has two major championships to her name and has a fantastic golf swing to boot. In her golf swing, she takes the club away, very, very wide, has a very wide extension at the top of the swing, but she maintains the flex in her right knee whilst doing so. And maintaining the flex in the right knee whilst have a big extension in the backswing allows her to build with lots of power as she transfers into the ball. So when she gets set up, she puts a bit of flex in that right knee, and then maintains it as the club is taken away, then she stretches up as much as she can to the top of the backswing, whilst maintaining that flex and then drives down into the shot. And she does this with all the irons, but most impressively she does this with the driver as well and that allows her to generate so much stretch and so much power as she moves into the shot. So to simply try and replicate this is keep the right knee as flex as possible, while stretching the arms up as much as possible. And you realize how it generates a massive amount of power, as the club moves through impact. So give that a go, let’s see what it can do to your game.
Stacy Lewis (Video) - by Peter Finch