Narrow Your Stance for Better Hip Turn - Golf Tip (Video) - by Pete Styles
Narrow Your Stance for Better Hip Turn - Golf Tip (Video) - by Pete Styles

There is no question that on the golf swing if you restrict your shoulder rotation you will to a degree restrict the distance you can hit the golf ball. Now to allow the shoulders to turn fully we also need to allow the hips to do a bit decent amount of turning. There is very few golfers that can achieve a 90 degree shoulder rotation if they don’t let their hips turn to some degree. If I turn my shoulders a lot but don’t turn my hips I get a bit stuck at about 50 to 60 degrees, if I allow a bit of hip rotation my shoulders can then achieve the 90 degree turn that I want. Now I’m quite flexible so if you look at a golfer that has got less flexibility they are going to need to allow their hips to rotate a little bit more to allow a full shoulder rotation. So particularly for guys and girls who have less flexibility in their upper body a narrower stance may allow them to make a bigger backswing, a wide stance is often associated with restriction of turn. So a narrower stance coming into just narrower than your shoulders more towards your hips should actually allow the fuller shoulder rotation by effectively allowing a bigger hip rotation. So if you’re struggling to make a big wide backswing and you appreciate that your hips aren’t helping out, and you also appreciate your stances too wide consider narrowing your stance more to hip position than allowing the full shoulder rotation to happen by allowing some hip rotation to happen. You should feel there you’ve got a bigger backswing you can drive through the golf ball more and you can hit the golf ball further. Just be aware that too narrow with your feet could cause you a lack of stability and lack of balance particularly in the follow through of the swing as you fall off balance. So have a little play around with your stance width to see if you can create a bigger backswing turn particularly if you’re not overly flexible.


There is no question that on the golf swing if you restrict your shoulder rotation you will to a degree restrict the distance you can hit the golf ball. Now to allow the shoulders to turn fully we also need to allow the hips to do a bit decent amount of turning. There is very few golfers that can achieve a 90 degree shoulder rotation if they don’t let their hips turn to some degree. If I turn my shoulders a lot but don’t turn my hips I get a bit stuck at about 50 to 60 degrees, if I allow a bit of hip rotation my shoulders can then achieve the 90 degree turn that I want. Now I’m quite flexible so if you look at a golfer that has got less flexibility they are going to need to allow their hips to rotate a little bit more to allow a full shoulder rotation. So particularly for guys and girls who have less flexibility in their upper body a narrower stance may allow them to make a bigger backswing, a wide stance is often associated with restriction of turn. So a narrower stance coming into just narrower than your shoulders more towards your hips should actually allow the fuller shoulder rotation by effectively allowing a bigger hip rotation. So if you’re struggling to make a big wide backswing and you appreciate that your hips aren’t helping out, and you also appreciate your stances too wide consider narrowing your stance more to hip position than allowing the full shoulder rotation to happen by allowing some hip rotation to happen. You should feel there you’ve got a bigger backswing you can drive through the golf ball more and you can hit the golf ball further. Just be aware that too narrow with your feet could cause you a lack of stability and lack of balance particularly in the follow through of the swing as you fall off balance. So have a little play around with your stance width to see if you can create a bigger backswing turn particularly if you’re not overly flexible.