Golf is a game of precision and finesse, especially when it comes to shots around the green. One crucial element of these delicate shots is the proper wrist action. Your wrists are responsible for controlling the clubface and dictating the direction and distance of the shot. Let's explore the correct wrist action for different shots around the green.

Pitch Shots:

  • When executing pitch shots, such as those from 10 to 50 yards away, you should aim for a controlled wrist hinge. This means maintaining a relatively firm left wrist (for right-handed golfers) throughout the swing.
  • Keep your left wrist flat, and avoid excessive hinge or cupping during the backswing. This will help ensure a consistent strike and prevent the ball from ballooning or skidding excessively.

Bump and Run Shots:

  • For bump and run shots, where you want to keep the ball low and rolling as soon as possible, minimal wrist action is key.
  • Maintain a firm left wrist and minimize any wrist hinge during the swing. This will help produce a descending blow and reduce the risk of hitting the ball too high and losing control.

Chip Shots:

  • When it comes to chip shots, which are typically shorter shots with limited follow-through, a slightly more active wrist action is involved.
  • In the backswing, allow a controlled amount of wrist hinge to generate some power without losing control.
  • Keep the clubhead low to the ground and return it to impact with a firm left wrist, maintaining control of the clubface.

Flop Shots:

  • The flop shot requires a significant amount of wrist action to generate height and soft landing.
  • In the backswing, hinge your wrists more than usual, allowing the club to swing on a steeper arc.
  • As you reach the top of the swing, maintain a soft grip pressure and allow the clubhead to pass your hands through impact, creating extra loft and height.


  • When it comes to putting, the wrists should remain relatively quiet and stable.
  • Minimize any excessive wrist movement, as this can introduce unnecessary variability to your stroke.
  • Keep both wrists firm, with a slight forward press of the hands, and let the shoulders and arms guide the pendulum-like stroke.

Remember, these guidelines are general recommendations, and personal variations may exist depending on your swing style and preferences. It's important to practice and refine your wrist action through trial and error to find what works best for you.

In conclusion, understanding the correct wrist action for different shots around the green is crucial for improving your short game. By mastering the appropriate amount of wrist hinge and maintaining control, you'll be able to execute a variety of shots with precision and consistency.