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How Can Ensure I Get A Fast And Accurate Release Of The Golf ClubAchieving a fast and accurate release pattern of the golf club is essential for any golfer if you want to strike consistently well and achieve maximum distance with your golf shots.

In order to achieve a fast and accurate release, you initially need to understand how to release the club correctly and the position that the club needs to be in to do this.

On your down swing, you need to pull the handle of the golf club down with your left arm, if you are a right handed golfer. The club needs to be pulled down to hip high so that the shaft of the golf club is parallel to the ground and also parallel to the target line with your hips rotated towards the target. This is the position to create to then release the club head from into and through the golf ball, as fast as you can, to create maximum club head speed as the club face strikes the golf ball.

To work on getting the club pulled down into this position, you could try the following drill to learn the feeling of the movement on your down swing. Stand with a chair in line with you on your right hand side, if you are a right handed golfer. Position the chair so that the back of the chair is facing forward ahead of the seat. Put the club into position at the top of your back swing and then work on turning your lower body towards the target, as you pull the club down towards the seat of the chair. You want to get the shaft of the club down to the seat, without it touching the seat and so that the shaft is also parallel to the target line. You can work on this drill at home to learn the feeling of how to pull the club down into this position, to then release from.

Once you have this feeling, work on the following drill to help you release accurately. Hold the club with a split grip, so that your left hand is on in the correct position on the handle and your right hand is further down the shaft than usual. Just rest the club in your right hand for support. Swing the club back with your left arm to the top of your back swing, your right hand on just to support. Swing back down towards the golf ball with your left arm pulling the club downwards. Hold the shaft in your right hand and hold the shaft upwards until your left hand gets to hip high. Allow your right hand to move off the club shaft and the club will release accurately through impact.

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If you release the club as you begin your down swing then you certainly are not accurate. You need to swing the club down much closer to the golf ball before you release, as your release action should strike the golf ball. Releasing so early will also result in the club head reaching peak speed before it reaches the golf ball, so as the club head strikes the ball, it will actually be decelerating.

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Swinging the golf club fast does not mean that you will achieve a fast and accurate release. Whatever movement you make, you will simply make it faster. To make a fast and accurate release, you do need to learn how to swing the club down to the ball correctly.

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Achieving a fast and accurate release is not down to luck and does not happen by chance. It is achieved with practise and obtaining the correct down swing movement and position.