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There are many different ways to hold the putter.
The most common is the reverse-overlap grip, a variation of the standard overlapping grip used on full swings. The cross-handed or left-hand-low style is also popular, while a number of innovative methods like the claw grip have sprung up recently.
No matter where the hands and fingers are placed, all putting grips should do one thing: keep the hands working in unison. Unlike other clubs, the putter is cradled in the palms, rather than the fingers, to encourage an arms-and-shoulders stroke with minimal wrist action.
These are the most important basics to follow:
- Make sure the grip of the putter is aligned through the lifeline* of each hand, placing the palms parallel to the putter blade.
- Grip the putter lightly, with a pressure of about 4 on a scale of 1-10.
*The lifeline runs from the edge of the palm, between the index finger and thumb, across the middle of the palm, and wraps around the base of the thumb.
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