Putting on big breakers, where the greens have significant undulations and break heavily, can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you navigate these putts: How to Putt Big Breakers

  1. Read the Green Carefully: Take your time to assess the slope and break of the putt. Walk around the hole to get a better sense of the overall contour of the green. Consider factors such as the grain, wind direction, and any subtle slopes that may affect the break.
  2. Visualize the Path: Develop a clear mental image of the intended line and break of the putt. Visualize the ball rolling along the anticipated path and breaking towards the hole. This visualization helps you commit to your read and increases your chances of executing the putt successfully.
  3. Aim for a Spot: Instead of focusing solely on the hole, pick a specific spot along the intended line where you want to start the ball. By aiming for an intermediate spot, you can better visualize the break and improve your chances of getting the ball on the correct line.
  4. Adjust Your Aim: Big breakers require you to aim farther away from the hole than you might expect. Take into account the magnitude of the break and adjust your aim accordingly. Be willing to aim significantly outside the hole to allow the ball to curve back towards the cup.
  5. Control Your Speed: The speed of the putt is crucial on big breakers. A slower putt will have more time to break, while a faster putt may not have enough time to turn. Focus on controlling the speed to match the break, ensuring the ball has enough pace to reach the hole while still allowing it to curve.
  6. Practice Reading Breaks: Spend time practicing your ability to read breaks on different greens. Experiment with different angles and slopes to gain a better understanding of how the ball reacts to different slopes. The more you practice, the better you'll become at predicting and accounting for big breaks.
  7. Gain Feel through Experience: Putting on big breakers requires feel and touch. The more you experience these types of putts, the better you'll become at judging the necessary speed and break. Pay attention to how the ball reacts on different greens and use that knowledge to make adjustments in future rounds.
  8. Stay Positive and Patient: Putting on big breakers can be frustrating, especially if you miss a few putts. Stay positive, maintain your focus, and trust your read and stroke. Remember that every putt is an opportunity to learn and improve.
  9. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider seeking guidance from a golf instructor or putting coach who can provide specific advice and techniques for putting on big breakers. They can help you refine your approach, read greens more effectively, and improve your overall putting performance.

Remember that putting on big breakers requires practice, experience, and a keen eye for reading greens. With time and dedication, you can develop the skills needed to navigate these challenging putts successfully.

Television doesn’t always show it, but pro golfers face a lot of putts with huge breaks, often five feet or more. It’s amazing how infrequently they three-putt – and how many of these snakes they knock in the hole.

How to putt big breakers 1

Big-breaking putts can be intimidating to amateur golfers, who fear playing too little break and finishing well wide of the hole, or playing too much and leaving a downhill second putt. The key lies in learning to read these putts and developing a feel for proper speed.

Let’s start with a couple of green-reading basics:

  • The faster the green, the more putts will break. Putts break less on slower greens.
  • Downhill putts typically break more than those over level ground, while uphill putts tend to break less.


When faced with a large amount of break, most golfers tend to under-read and miss below the hole, aka the “amateur side.” When watching the pros, notice how they usually miss to the high or “pro” side. Why does this matter? Because once a ball breaks below the center of hole, it has very little chance of going in even if it catches the lip. A putt rolling from above the hole is more likely to find a piece of the cup and – thanks to gravity – fall to the bottom.

As you read a big-breaking putt, determine the spot where you think the ball will begin turning toward the hole. This is called the high point or apex. Then choose the spot on the cup where a putt from the high point would go in, dead-center. This may be on the very side of the cup as viewed from your ball.

Align yourself with the high point and take a couple of looks at it – not the hole itself – then stroke the ball as though trying to roll it directly over the spot. At the correct pace, the ball should trickle over the apex and toward its final destination.

Spend a few minutes of every practice session on big-breaking putts from varying distances. You’ll quickly improve your ability to read greens and stroke tough putts with touch.

Q: What are big breakers in golf putting? A: Big breakers refer to putts that have significant, dramatic breaks or curves due to the slope and undulations on the green.

Q: How can golfers effectively read big breakers on the green? A: To read big breakers on the green, golfers should assess the overall slope and contours of the green. They can crouch down behind the ball to get a low-angle view and identify the high and low points on the green that influence the break.

Q: What are some tips for managing the speed and line of big breaking putts? A: Managing the speed and line of big breaking putts requires careful consideration. Golfers should aim to play the break with enough speed to hold the line but not so much that the ball races past the hole. Adjusting the aim point based on the severity of the break is crucial.

Q: How does the speed of the green impact big breaking putts? A: The speed of the green can significantly impact big breaking putts. Faster greens require less break, while slower greens may need more break to reach the hole.

Q: What role does visualization play in putting big breakers? A: Visualization is essential when putting big breakers. Golfers should imagine the ball's path curving towards the hole and visualize the correct speed and break needed to sink the putt.

Q: How can golfers practice putting big breakers effectively? A: Golfers can practice putting big breakers by finding challenging greens on the practice putting green or utilizing practice aids that simulate breaks. Putting drills with varying degrees of break can help improve skills in reading and managing big breaking putts.

Q: Should golfers play big breaking putts more aggressively or conservatively? A: The approach to big breaking putts depends on the golfer's comfort level and the specific situation. Some golfers prefer a more aggressive approach, aiming to hole the putt, while others might play more conservatively, focusing on lagging the ball close to the hole.

Q: How can golfers adjust their setup or grip for big breaking putts? A: Golfers can experiment with their setup or grip for big breaking putts to better control the stroke. Some golfers might slightly open or close their stance and experiment with grip pressure to manage the putter face during the stroke.

Q: Can practicing big breakers help improve overall putting skills? A: Yes, practicing big breakers can improve overall putting skills. Dealing with challenging putts enhances a golfer's ability to read greens, control speed, and build confidence in putting under various conditions.

Q: How do golfers manage their emotions and stay composed when facing challenging big breaking putts? A: To manage emotions and stay composed, golfers can focus on their pre-putt routine and take deep breaths before the stroke. Trusting their practice and maintaining a positive mindset can help handle the pressure of big breaking putts.

Q: Can golfers benefit from analyzing the putting tendencies of professional golfers on big breakers? A: Yes, analyzing the putting tendencies of professional golfers on big breakers can provide valuable insights. Watching how they read and approach such putts can offer new techniques or strategies to apply to one's own game.

Q: How can golfers assess their progress in putting big breakers? A: Golfers can assess their progress in putting big breakers by tracking their performance on challenging greens during rounds. Evaluating the number of putts made from different distances and the ability to get the ball close to the hole provides valuable feedback on improvement.