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    part 6 irons 1

    Golf’s moment of truth. If your grip, setup, takeaway, backswing and downswing are in order, here’s what happens as an iron clubhead contacts the ball:

  • The right hand and forearm roll over the left; this action is called the release.
  • When club meets ball, the hands are slightly past the ball, with the shaft tilted toward the target. 
  • The clubhead strikes the ball an instant before hitting the turf.
  • Your right knee points inward, at the target.
  • The left hip has “cleared,” i.e. rotated left of the target, with the right hip coming around toward the ball.
  • The shoulders are square to the target line, your weight evenly balanced on both feet.
  • Because the iron swing creates a downward blow, most shots will produce a divot just beyond where the ball lies.

    For more information on Irons:


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