How Best to Create a Connected Women's Golf Swing 1

A connected golf swing produces consistency for all golfers and provides great results under pressure. When you produce a connected golf swing, you have all the independent parts involved in the swing process working together as one and as a result you will create power, accuracy and the consistency that you are searching for.

A connected swing uses all of the larger or bigger muscles of the body, your torso, shoulders, chest and hips in unison with the smaller parts of your body such as the hands, arms and legs.

How Best to Create a Connected Women's Golf Swing 2

Take up a well balanced address position with feet shoulder width apart and a straight back tilted forward from the hips. Work on turning your shoulders 90 degrees to the right of this start position, whilst maintaining the forward tilt with your spine angle as you do this. Make sure you hinge your wrists correctly during your takeaway and this will prevent you from lifting your arms, one of the main reasons a golf swing becomes disconnected. Correct use of the wrists allows you to create the correct directional movement in the club head and keeps the movement of your arms and hands synchronized with the turn of your upper body. You can now achieve a straight left arm position, correct hand height, correct shaft and club head position at the top of the backswing.

To keep your swing well connected on the downswing, start the movement from the ground and work upwards. Turn your knees to towards the target, then hips, torso and finally shoulders, unwinding your body and arms together. As your body turns to the left (for right handed golfers) your weight will shift to your left side and you will finish with the majority of your weight on your left foot, with your hips, chest and face all facing the target in a well balanced position. Your hands will finish past your left ear, over your left shoulder, with the shaft of the club over and parallel to your shoulders. Your body should move in unison, without one part racing ahead or lagging behind another part.

A great drill to help you focus on this feeling of all of your body moving as one connected unit, rather than independent parts is 'the baseball drill'. Hold the club out comfortably in front of you with your spine upright. Imagine you are going to hit a ball from a post at this height in front of you. Swing the club away and notice how your body moves as one unit, with shoulders, torso, hips, arms and wrists moving as a unit. There is very little leg action and your weight remains balanced. Now swing to hit the baseball and finish with the club around the back of your shoulders and your feet in a well balanced golf position – weight on your left foot and right heel off the floor with your right shoelaces rotated towards the target. Make a few of these swings to get the feeling of your body moving as a unit. The only difference between this movement and your golf swing is that during your golf swing, your spine tilts forward rather than remaining vertical.