If you are having trouble with hitting a weak fade, then you are more than likely not releasing the club properly. The golf swing is only as strong as the follow through, and if you are not releasing the golf club after impact, you are going to battle off a fade that is very weak and lacks the distance that you desire.
I have fought this off myself many times throughout my career, and I can be the first to tell you that it is not enjoyable. You hit a good shot, then a bad shot, then good, then bad follows. You lack confidence, and in the back of your mind, you are waiting for that next bad shot to occur and battling yourself mentally the entire time.
Well, I have some great news for you, I have a fix for the improper swing release that can help you put this flaw in the past forever. I get it, there are hundreds of articles that claim to have the “cure-all” for everything in golf, but I will provide you with easy swing fixes that I have been able to apply to my game, that truly do work.
First off, what causes the improper swing release? For most golfers, it comes when you are off balance throughout the swing and you are falling back slightly at impact. This causes the arms to try and catch up, which leaves you with a faulty release of the golf club. If you have battled this, then you know what the result of the shot is – weak and offline.
Golfers at all levels have battled this flaw, but you are in luck, it is time to correct this issue once and for all. The first thing I want you to do is take your normal address. Pay close attention to your front shoulder and really take note of it in your mind. Now, swing the club back. It does not matter if you are one of those golfers that takes a big turn or a small turn, all that matters is the front shoulder.
You want your front shoulder to move to under your chin ideally, which will ensure you are properly setup for the remainder of the swing. Here comes the most important part, as you start your downswing really focus on returning that shoulder to its starting position, and then finish the swing. It does not really matter how you get your shoulder back to the same position, but it has to go back to where it started when the swing began.
When you return your front shoulder back to the same spot it began, it will allow two things to happen. The first, is more consistent contact with the ball. When the shoulder is returned to the correct spot, it ensures you will be able to trap the ball between the turf and the clubface. The next benefit you will see, is that you will not be able to hang back and hit that nasty block that you have been fighting for so long. When you get that shoulder back to the correct position, you will be able to follow through correctly… and ultimately remove that hang back slice.
I realize that last portion was a lot to take in, and it can be very overwhelming. If it helps, have someone record your swing before focusing on the front shoulder… and then again when you are focused on the shoulder. This will help you see the motion I am talking about much easier.
With that said, it will take quite some time to get the shoulder into the correct position at impact. If you over-correct, you will actually begin hitting a snap hook, which is not a good result either. So, I will only say this one time, take your time and focus on improving slowly. Do not rush this, or you can cause more harm than good. As I do with each tip, I will leave you with my challenge: Because this is such a hard drill to master, I want you to dedicate one month to working on this.
Yes, that seems like a long time, but if you have been playing golf for a while now, you know that perfecting a new motion truly takes a long time. And to be honest, you would probably prefer to fix it and be done with it, rather than fix it for a little while, and then have to battle off the block- slice again, right?
Now that we have covered that, back to the one month dedicated to this drill. I want you to really invest time on the range when you have the time to do so, because the goal of this drill is to correctly move the shoulders throughout the swing, and become comfortable doing so. After you have dedicated a full month (don’t cheat yourself), then you can take to the course and relish in your hard work.
Q1: What is swing release in golf? A1: Swing release in golf refers to the moment when the golfer allows the club to fully release its stored energy and accelerate through the impact zone, making contact with the ball.
Q2: How does the swing release affect the ball flight? A2: A proper swing release leads to better clubhead speed and a more controlled ball flight with the desired trajectory and spin.
Q3: What are some common mistakes golfers make in their swing release? A3: Common mistakes include early release, flipping the wrists, or holding back the release, which can lead to inconsistent shots.
Q4: How can golfers improve their swing release? A4: Golfers can improve their swing release by practicing proper sequencing, maintaining a firm grip, and focusing on maintaining lag in the downswing.
Q5: Can grip pressure affect the swing release? A5: Yes, a balanced grip pressure is crucial for a smooth and consistent release through impact.
Q6: How does the body rotation influence the swing release? A6: Proper body rotation helps generate power and allows for a more natural and powerful release through the ball.
Q7: What role does the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) play in the swing release? A7: The lead hand controls the release and helps square the clubface at impact, determining the ball's direction.
Q8: How can golfers avoid an early release in their swing? A8: Golfers can avoid an early release by focusing on maintaining wrist hinge in the backswing and delaying the release until the impact zone.
Q9: Is a smooth and gradual release better than an abrupt release in the swing? A9: Yes, a smooth and gradual release allows for better control and consistency in ball striking.
Q10: Can a golfer use training aids to work on their swing release? A10: Yes, training aids like impact bags or release trainers can help golfers develop the correct feel and motion for a proper swing release.
Q11: Should golfers focus on the swing release for all clubs in their bag? A11: Yes, the swing release is essential for all clubs, from the driver to the wedges.
Q12: Can a golfer benefit from recording and analyzing their swing to work on the release? A12: Yes, video analysis can provide valuable feedback on the swing release and identify areas for improvement.
Q13: How can golfers maintain a consistent swing release under pressure? A13: Regular practice, confidence in their swing mechanics, and mental preparation can help golfers maintain a consistent release under pressure.
Q14: Should golfers actively think about the swing release during the swing, or should it be a natural motion? A14: While golfers need to be aware of proper mechanics, the swing release should become a natural motion with practice and muscle memory.
Q15: Can a golfer work on their swing release during on-course play? A15: Yes, golfers can focus on their swing release during practice rounds or friendly games to develop confidence in different shot situations.
Q16: How does a proper follow-through contribute to the swing release? A16: A proper follow-through is a continuation of the swing release, allowing the golfer to maintain balance and finish the swing smoothly.
Q17: Can grip size affect the swing release? A17: Yes, the right grip size ensures a comfortable and secure hold, promoting a better swing release.
Q18: Should golfers vary their swing release based on shot requirements? A18: Yes, golfers may adjust their swing release for different shots, such as controlling spin on approach shots or hitting high or low shots.
Q19: Can the swing release help a golfer generate more power and distance? A19: Yes, a well-timed and efficient swing release contributes to increased clubhead speed and, consequently, more distance.
Q20: Can a golfer use visualization techniques to enhance their swing release? A20: Yes, visualizing a smooth and powerful release can help golfers execute the motion more effectively on the course.