Tempo Fundamental #3 – A Steady Count

The counting drill is one of the easiest drills in all of golf to use, and yet it is one of the most effective. This drill, which will be highlighted below, will help you obey the fundamental for this section – which is the fact that your tempo should remain steady from the start of your swing to the finish. It doesn’t matter if you are using a fast tempo, a slow tempo, or something in between, the rhythm of your swing should always be stable throughout the entire time the club is in motion.
To learn how to keep your tempo in line during your swing, you should consider putting the counting drill to use in an upcoming range session. You won’t need any special equipment to perform this drill, and you won’t need anyone with you for assistance. This is a very basic drill, yet it has the capability of helping golfers of all skill levels. Follow the steps below to give it a try for yourself.
In summary, you are going to count ‘one’ at the takeaway, ‘two’ when you are halfway back, ‘three’ at the top, and ‘four’ at impact. So what is the point of all this? The idea is to help you get a feeling for the rhythm of your swing. Hopefully, if you are using a smooth tempo, you will find that you are able to count these numbers of relatively evenly as you swing the club. For many players, however, that will not be the case. For example, you might find that you are rushing your takeaway, meaning that ‘one’ and ‘two’ have to be counted quickly back to back. This drill will help you notice problems like that so you can get your tempo corrected and in order as soon as possible.
Once you have the hang of this drill, give it a try with a variety of clubs. You may find that you have a better tempo with some of your clubs than others, so using the counting drill up and down your bag could help to even things out. For instance, many players have a good rhythm with their driver yet they rush their short irons. If that is a problem that plagues your game, you may be able to make improvements by counting through your swing.
Another benefit to the counting drill is that you could actually use it on the course if you wish. Of course, you probably shouldn’t count out loud while playing a round of golf, but you can absolutely count in your head if that helps you keep your tempo steady throughout the day. There aren’t very many golf swing drills that you can use in the heat of battle, but this is one of them. Give it a try during your next range session and you are likely to be impressed with the improvement that is seen in your game.