Lip, Golf Term


In the world of golf, there are numerous technical terms and jargon that might sound unfamiliar to beginners. One such term is “lip,” which is commonly used to describe a specific feature on the edge of the golf hole. Understanding the concept of a lip is crucial for improving your game and achieving better scores. Let's explore this term in more detail below.

  • Definition: In golf, the lip refers to the edge or rim of the hole on the putting green. It is the raised area surrounding the actual hole.

The lip can have a significant impact on your putting and scoring. Here are a few key points to understand about the lip in golf:

  • Avoiding the Lip: When putting, one of your primary goals is to avoid hitting the ball into the lip of the hole. If the ball strikes the lip, it may bounce off or be deflected, resulting in a missed putt.
  • Reading the Lip: Assessing the slope and shape of the lip is essential for successful putting. The lip can affect the break of a putt, causing the ball to veer off-course. Reading the lip helps you anticipate how the ball might react when it nears the hole.
  • Putting with a Lip: When putting near the edge of the hole where a lip is present, you may need to adjust your stroke. Putting the ball with extra pace can help overcome the lip. However, it's crucial to maintain accuracy while doing so.
  • Chipping and Pitching: The lip also comes into play during short game shots. When chipping or pitching, you need to consider the height and slope of the lip to determine the best strategy. Sometimes, you might need to aim to land the ball just short of the lip to prevent it from rolling too far.
  • Course Setup: Golf course designers often strategically position holes with different lip configurations to challenge players. Some holes may have narrow lips or steep slopes, making it more difficult to sink putts.

To improve your ability to deal with lips effectively, you can practice with drills and training aids. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:

  • Set up a putting course with varying lip heights. Practice your short putts from different angles and distances, focusing on hitting the ball above the lip.
  • Use a training aid such as a putting mirror or laser alignment tool to assist with reading the lip and ensuring a square putter face at impact.
  • Work on your chipping and pitching accuracy by aiming to land the ball just short of the lip on the green. This will help you control the roll and distance.
  • Seek guidance from a golf instructor who can provide personalized tips and exercises to improve your putting technique around lips.

In conclusion, the lip in golf refers to the raised edge or rim of the hole on the putting green. Understanding how the lip affects your putting and short game shots is essential for success on the golf course. By practicing appropriate techniques and reading the lip accurately, you can navigate around the hole with precision and lower your scores. Happy golfing!