In golf, the term “bite” is used to describe the amount of backspin applied to a golf ball upon impact with a club. It refers to the ball's ability to stop or “bite” quickly upon landing, minimizing roll after hitting the ground.
When a golf ball has a significant amount of backspin, it creates more friction with the clubface and the air, causing it to slow down and come to a stop more rapidly when it lands on the green. This backspin-induced stopping power is particularly desirable when hitting approach shots to the green.
Golfers often aim to produce backspin on their shots, especially with their short irons and wedges, in order to control the ball's landing and minimize its roll-out. This allows them to be more precise with their distance control and better position the ball closer to the hole for a shorter putt.
The amount of bite or backspin a golfer can generate depends on various factors, including club selection, swing technique, angle of attack, ball quality, and the condition of the golf course. Skilled golfers with a solid swing and good contact can create more backspin, while other factors such as ball choice and course conditions can also influence the amount of bite achieved.
Having the ability to generate sufficient backspin and control the ball's landing is an essential skill in golf, especially when playing on courses with firm greens or when facing challenging pin positions that require precision and stopping power.
Bite, Golf Term:A golf shot is said to bite (or “check up”) when it stops abruptly on the green due to a high rate of backspin.