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The driver is the longest club in your bag, and therefore, the most difficult to time correctly at impact. Where you might have a relatively easy time getting your wedges square at impact for a straight ball flight, that task is far more challenging when you are hitting a driver. Many golfers are able to swing the driver at over 100 miles per hour, so it should be obvious why the challenge of achieving proper timing is so great.
By far the most common mistake when talking about driver timing is rushing through the swing too quickly. Hitting a driver is a paradox in that it is the club you can swing the fastest, but it is also the club that you need to take the longest to swing. Does that make sense? It might not at first, but think about it for a moment. The only point in the swing that needs to be fast is impact – the rest of the swing can gradually build up until that point. Even golfers who are able to hit towering 300+ yard drives often have slow driver swings. While you are learning how to hit a golf driver with the most possible force and power, remember that you only have to swing fast at the bottom of the swing. A smooth tempo throughout the rest of the swing is highly desirable.
Near the top of your list of golf driving tips should be a slow and deliberate transition from backswing to downswing. Unfortunately, this is the point in the golf swing where most players tend to rush. While it might feel like you have to hurry the transition in order to build speed before you get to the ball, you actually have plenty of time during the downswing to accelerate the club head. The important thing at the top of the swing is to transition smoothly so that the sequencing of your swing stays in order. If you rush at the top, your hands and arms will likely beat your body rotation through impact, meaning you will lose power and control over the ball. The body should rotate through the zone first, with the club trailing along and building speed the whole way.
When it comes to golf tips driver tempo usually gets lost behind things like grip and stance – but it shouldn’t be that way. Improving your tempo is one of the most important things you can do to better your game. In fact, if you are able to successfully improve your tempo with the driver, you should expect to find that your tempo will be improved with the rest of your clubs, as well. To work on your tempo with the driver, the best thing you can do is head to the practice range and hit some drivers as short as possible. That’s right – try to hit full swing shots that fly as short as possible. Why? You want to learn what it feels like to make a slow, controlled swing that stays on balance from start to finish. This is likely to be harder than you expect at first. After some practice, you should be able to make a full driver swing that only sends the ball 100 yards, or even less. With that accomplished, slowly start to put the speed back into your swing until you are reaching your maximum distance while still controlling the club and keeping your balance. This is a simple drill, but the effect can be powerful when it is done correctly.