How does the golf club handle different types of shots (e.g., fades, draws)

Golf Club Handling Different Types of Shots

When it comes to playing golf, mastering different types of shots is crucial to improving your game and scoring lower. One key factor in executing these shots is how the golf club is handled. Let's take a look at how the golf club is used to play shots like fades and draws:

1. Fades

  • Grip: To execute a fade shot, it is important to grip the club slightly stronger than usual. This means placing your hands slightly more to the right (for right-handed players) on the golf club grip.
  • Ball Position: Position the golf ball slightly forward in your stance, closer to your left foot (for right-handed players). This helps in promoting an outside-in swing path, a key factor in producing a fade.
  • Club Path: During the swing, focus on swinging the golf club slightly from the outside to the inside. This will help create a left-to-right spin on the ball, resulting in a fade.

2. Draws

  • Grip: For a draw shot, the grip on the golf club should be slightly weaker than the normal grip. This means placing your hands slightly more to the left (for right-handed players) on the grip.
  • Ball Position: Position the golf ball slightly back in your stance, closer to your right foot (for right-handed players). This helps in promoting an inside-out swing path, an important factor in producing a draw.
  • Club Path: During the swing, aim to swing the golf club slightly from the inside to the outside. This will help create a right-to-left spin on the ball, resulting in a draw.

It's important to note that executing fades and draws consistently takes practice and experimentation. Golfers may experience trial and error to find the right grip and swing path for their particular swing. Additionally, club selection, swing speed, and other factors can impact the outcome of these shots.


  1. Practice at the driving range to develop a feel for hitting fades and draws. Start by focusing on one type of shot before moving on to the other.
  2. Experiment with different grip positions and ball placements to find what works best for you.
  3. Work on maintaining good balance and tempo throughout your swing, regardless of the shot you're attempting.
  4. Seek advice and lessons from a golf instructor who can provide personalized guidance based on your swing characteristics.

By understanding how the golf club can be handled differently for fades and draws, you can start incorporating these shots into your game. Remember, consistency and practice are key to mastering any shot in golf. So, head out to the course or driving range and start perfecting your fade and draw shots!