How do I keep my wrists stable during the putting stroke

In Golf: How to Keep Your Wrists Stable During the Putting Stroke

One of the most crucial aspects of a consistent and accurate putting stroke in golf is maintaining stable wrists. When your wrists are stable, it allows for better control over the putter face and ultimately improves your chances of sinking more putts. Here are some tips to help you keep your wrists steady during the putting stroke:

  • Balance your grip pressure: Make sure your grip pressure is light and even. Gripping the putter too tightly can lead to tension in your wrists, making it harder to keep them stable. Experiment with different grip pressures to find what feels most comfortable to you.
  • Position your hands correctly: Your hands should be positioned ahead of the putter head, with your lead hand slightly in front of the ball, and your trail hand slightly behind it. This setup promotes the proper wrist action and helps to prevent excessive movement.
  • Maintain a triangle: Imagine a triangle formed by your arms and the putter shaft. Throughout the putting stroke, strive to keep this triangle intact. This will help restrict unnecessary wrist movement and promote stability.
  • Avoid excessive wrist hinge: During the backswing and follow-through, be mindful of keeping the movement in your wrists to a minimum. Excessive wrist hinge can lead to inconsistent strikes and a lack of control. Focus on utilizing your larger and more stable shoulder and arm muscles instead.
  • Practice with a wrist brace: For those who struggle with excessive wrist movement or have a tendency to break down at impact, using a wrist brace during practice sessions can be beneficial. The brace helps restrict excessive motion and provides a physical reminder to keep your wrists stable.
  • Utilize a pendulum-like stroke: Rather than relying on quick, jerky motions with your wrists, aim for a smooth and pendulum-like stroke. This type of stroke minimizes the involvement of the wrists and promotes consistent contact with the ball.
  • Engage your core muscles: A strong and stable core is essential for maintaining stable wrists during the putting stroke. Engage your core muscles by maintaining good posture and focusing on using your larger muscle groups to initiate the stroke, rather than relying solely on your wrists.
  • Develop a consistent rhythm: Establishing a consistent rhythm and tempo in your putting stroke can help keep your wrists stable. Practice with a metronome or count in your head to find a comfortable tempo that allows for controlled movements without excessive wrist involvement.

By implementing these techniques and practicing regularly, you can improve your ability to keep your wrists stable during the putting stroke. Remember, stability in the wrists leads to better control of the putter face and increased accuracy on the greens. Focus on maintaining a light grip, proper hand positioning, and utilizing larger muscle groups to drive your stroke. With time and practice, you'll see improvements in your putting game.