How to fix a reverse pivot in your golf swing?

One of the most common swing faults in golf is the reverse pivot. This occurs when a golfer shifts their weight to the wrong side during the swing, resulting in a loss of power and inconsistency. Fortunately, there are a few key adjustments you can make to fix this issue and improve your swing.

  • Recognize the problem: The first step in fixing a reverse pivot is to acknowledge and understand that you have this issue. This awareness will help you better focus on making the necessary adjustments.
  • Maintain proper posture: Start by ensuring that you have the correct posture at address. Your spine should be straight with a slight tilt forward from the hips. This position helps maintain balance throughout the swing and prevents excessive movement.
  • Create a stable base: During the swing, it's crucial to have a solid foundation. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet, keeping them shoulder-width apart. This setup helps maintain stability and allows for a more consistent weight transfer.
  • Focus on weight transfer: The key to fixing a reverse pivot is to transfer the weight properly during the swing. On the backswing, shift your weight to the inside of your right foot (for right-handed golfers) while maintaining a stable lower body. This movement allows you to coil and load the power for the downswing.
  • Use your lower body: To prevent a reverse pivot, utilize your lower body effectively. On the downswing, initiate the movement with your lower body by starting the weight transfer back to the left side (right-handed golfers). This action helps generate more power and maintain balance.
  • Keep your head steady: Another common mistake when dealing with a reverse pivot is moving the head excessively during the swing. Focus on keeping your head steady and minimize any unnecessary movement. This stability will improve your ability to transfer weight properly.
  • Practice drills: Incorporate specific drills into your practice routine to help correct a reverse pivot. One useful drill is the “Step Drill.” Take a step toward the target with your lead foot (left foot for right-handed golfers) while maintaining your posture and balance. This drill encourages the correct weight transfer and reinforces the forward motion.
  • Seek professional guidance: If you're struggling to correct a reverse pivot, consider seeking help from a golf professional. They can provide personalized tips and guidance tailored to your swing, helping you make the necessary adjustments.

Fixing a reverse pivot in your golf swing requires patience and practice. By understanding the problem, focusing on weight transfer, maintaining posture, and incorporating drills, you'll be able to make significant improvements. Remember, consistency is key, so keep practicing and monitoring your swing to achieve your desired results.