How do I control my distance on putts

Controlling Distance on Putts in Golf

Mastering the art of putting is essential for any golfer looking to improve their overall game. One of the key aspects of putting is controlling the distance that the ball travels. Having the ability to consistently judge and control the distance of your putts can significantly lower your scores and make a noticeable difference in the outcome of your rounds. Here are a few tips to help you enhance your distance control on putts:

  • Practice, practice, practice: Distance control is not something that can be obtained overnight. It requires regular practice and experimentation to understand how different factors affect the roll and speed of the ball. Dedicate time specifically to putting practice, focusing on different lengths and slopes to develop a better feel for distances.
  • Grip pressure: The pressure in your grip can greatly influence the distance the ball travels. Gripping the putter too tightly can restrict the natural motion of the stroke, leading to inconsistency in distance control. On the other hand, gripping too lightly can cause the putterface to twist, resulting in inaccurate putts. Find a balance by maintaining a relaxed but firm grip.
  • Use your shoulders: The shoulder is the most substantial moving part of the body during a putting stroke. Engage your shoulders to create a smooth and consistent pendulum motion that generates repeatable distances. Keep your wrists and hands relatively steady and avoid excessive movement, particularly on shorter putts.
  • Read the greens: Properly reading the greens can help you anticipate how the ball will break and adjust your distance accordingly. Observe the terrain, slopes, and any visible grain patterns to determine the speed and direction of your putt. Invest time in understanding how different grass conditions and slopes influence the ball's roll.
  • Visualize your putt: Before stepping up to address the ball, take a moment to visualize the desired path and distance of your putt. This mental exercise can help improve your focus and execution. Picture the ball rolling smoothly along your intended line and landing at the perfect distance.
  • Pace your stroke: The length of your backswing and the pace at which you strike the ball play crucial roles in controlling distance. Experiment with the length of your stroke to develop a consistent rhythm that produces the desired results. Avoid jerky or quick movements that can disrupt the smoothness of the strike.
  • Play practice games: Incorporate fun practice games into your routine to challenge your distance control skills. Set up markers at various distances and try to land your putts within specific zones. Keep track of your progress and adjust your technique as necessary.
  • Get to know your putter: Each putter has its own unique feel and weight distribution. Spend time getting familiar with your putter to understand how it responds to different strokes and impacts. Experiment with various putters to find one that suits your style and provides optimal distance control.

Improving your distance control on putts is an ongoing process that requires patience and practice. By implementing these tips and dedicating time to honing your skills, you'll develop a better feel for distances and become more consistent with your putts. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to spend extra time on the putting green perfecting your technique.