Leaving putts consistently short can be frustrating and can hinder your scoring potential on the greens. Here are a few possible causes and cures for chronically leaving putts short:

  1. Lack of Acceleration: One common cause of leaving putts short is not accelerating through the ball. When you decelerate or have a hesitant stroke, the putter loses momentum, resulting in insufficient distance. Focus on maintaining a smooth and accelerating stroke, allowing the putter to travel through the ball with consistent speed. Practice swinging the putter freely, ensuring a crisp and positive strike.
  2. Insufficient Confidence: A lack of confidence can cause you to subconsciously hold back on your putts, resulting in short putts. Build confidence by practicing regularly and working on your technique. Develop a consistent routine and visualize successful putts before addressing the ball. Trust your abilities and commit to each stroke with confidence.
  3. Ineffective Distance Control: Misjudging the distance of your putts can lead to leaving them short. Improve your distance control by practicing lag putts from various distances. Develop a sense of how far the ball rolls with different stroke lengths. Pay attention to the speed and feel of the greens during your practice sessions to better gauge distances on the course.
  4. Inadequate Putter Loft: The loft on your putter can affect the roll and distance of the putt. If your putter has too little loft, the ball may tend to skid or hop, resulting in shorter putts. Conversely, too much loft can cause the ball to pop up and roll less. Experiment with different putter lofts to find one that allows for a smooth roll and optimal distance control.
  5. Green Reading: Misreading the break or slope of the green can lead to leaving putts short. Take the time to read the green carefully, paying attention to subtle slopes and breaks. Consider the overall contour of the green and visualize the path the ball needs to take. Be aware of any uphill or downhill portions that may affect the speed of the putt.
  6. Lack of Practice: Leaving putts short can also be a result of insufficient practice. Regularly practicing your putting will help you develop better feel and touch, improving your ability to judge distances and pace your putts effectively. Set aside dedicated practice time to work on your putting skills, including distance control and stroke mechanics.

By addressing these potential causes and implementing the corresponding cures, you can work towards overcoming the tendency to leave putts short. Remember that consistency and patience are key, and it may take time and practice to see improvements. If you're struggling to make progress on your own, consider seeking guidance from a golf instructor who can provide personalized instruction and feedback to help you refine your putting technique.