Three putting can be frustrating and costly on the golf course. Here are some tips to help you reduce the number of three-putts:

  1. Develop Good Distance Control: One of the main reasons for three-putting is poor distance control on your first putt. Spend time practicing your lag putting to improve your ability to judge the speed and distance of your putts. Work on developing a consistent stroke that produces consistent roll distances.
  2. Read the Green Carefully: Take your time to read the green before making your putt. Look for any slopes, breaks, and the overall contour of the green. Pay attention to the speed and grain of the green as well. Having a good understanding of the green will help you make better decisions on your putts.
  3. Practice Your Short Putts: Solidifying your short putting is crucial to avoid three-putting. Spend time practicing short putts inside six feet to build confidence and develop a consistent stroke. Focus on your setup, alignment, and making a smooth, controlled stroke.
  4. Focus on Your Putter Face Alignment: Ensure that your putter face is square to the target line at address. Misalignment of the putter face can lead to inaccurate putts and make it more challenging to control distance and direction.
  5. Control Your Nerves and Preshot Routine: Nerves and pressure can often contribute to three-putting. Develop a pre-shot routine that helps you relax and focus on the task at hand. Take a few deep breaths, visualize the line and speed of your putt, and execute your stroke with confidence.
  6. Learn to Lag Putt: When faced with a long putt, focus on lag putting to leave yourself an easy second putt. Rather than aggressively trying to hole the putt, aim to get the ball within a comfortable tap-in range. Lag putting reduces the risk of three-putting and helps you maintain control over the pace of the greens.
  7. Assess Green Speed: Pay attention to the speed of the greens throughout your round. Adjust your stroke and the amount of force you apply to the ball based on the speed of the greens. Greens can vary in speed from course to course, so adapt accordingly.
  8. Improve Your Putting Technique: Seek advice from a golf professional to assess and refine your putting technique. Small adjustments to your grip, stance, posture, and stroke mechanics can make a significant difference in your putting performance.
  9. Maintain Focus and Concentration: Stay focused and avoid rushing your putts. Take your time to line up your putts, visualize the ball rolling into the hole, and maintain a smooth, steady stroke. Minimize distractions and focus on the process rather than the outcome.
  10. Play Smart: On longer putts, aim to leave yourself an uphill putt for your second shot. This reduces the chances of a three-putt and gives you a better opportunity to hole out on your next stroke.

Remember that reducing three-putts takes practice, patience, and experience. Be persistent in your efforts to improve your putting and stay positive even if you do encounter the occasional three-putt.