Nullarbor Links golf course in Western Australia is something to be reckoned with. The 18 hole course spans 1365 kilometers. There is one hole in each participating town (or roadhouse) along the Eyre Highway. Each hole includes a green and tee and somewhat rugged outback-style natural terrain fairway. The desolate highway is the perfect backdrop for this unique experience.
According to the Eyre Highway Operators Association (EHOA), “The Nullarbor Links concept was developed to complement and enhance the tourism industry along the Highway, by providing travelers with an additional attraction and hence a reason to spend more time and money in the region. The project marries tourism, the world's largest industry, with golf, one of the world's most popular sports. The course provides a much needed attraction/activity along the Highway. It slows traffic down and encourages visitors to stay longer, and hence spend more time and money in the region. The course has the potential to place the region in the travel spotlight, and attract increased traffic flow. Golfing tourists spend more money, and stay longer than an average tourist, making golf tourism a lucrative market”.
The Nullarbor Links project contributes to the employment of numerous people along the Eyre Highway plus a “flow-on” effect to the communities of Dundas, Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie-Boulder. In addition, a number of new businesses have sprouted up indirectly due to this project.
Course Layout
1 hole at Ceduna Golf Course | 1 hole at Cocklebiddy Roadhouse |
No.1 Oyster Beds Par 5-485 m | No.10 Eagle`s Nest Par 4-347 m |
2 holes at Kalgoorlie Golf Course | 1 hole at Madura Roadhouse |
No.2 Cy O’Connor Par 4-365 m | No.11 Brumby’s Run Par 3-125 m |
No.3 Golden Mile Par 5-519 m | 1 hole at Mundrabilla Roadhouse |
1 hole at Kambalda | No.12 Watering Hole Par 4-330 m |
No.4 Silver Lake Par 4-392 | 1 hole at Eucla Roadhouse |
2 holes at the Norseman Golf Club | No.13 Nullarbor Nymph Par 4-315 m |
No.5 Ngadju Par 4-354 m | 1 hole Border Village Roadhouse |
No.6 Golden Horse Par 4-436 m | No.14 Border Kangaroo Par 3-160 m |
1 hole at the Fraser Range Sheep Station | 1 hole at Nullarbor Roadhouse |
No.7 Sheep’s Back Par 3-141 m | N0.15 Dingo’s Den Par 5-538 m |
1 hole at Balladonia Roadhouse | 1 hole at Nundroo Roadhouse |
No.8 Skylab Par3-175 m | No.16 Wombat Hole Par 5-520 m |
1 hole at Caiguna Roadhouse | 1 hole at Penong Roadhouse |
No.9 90 Mile Straight Par 4-310 m | No.17 Windmills @ Penong Par 4-260 m |
2nd Hole at Ceduna Golf Course | No.18 Denial Bay Par 4-370 m |
On completion of the course take your completed and stamped card to either Kalgoorlie or Ceduna Visitor Centres and receive your free Nullarbor Links Certificate. You must get your card stamped at every hole. Use the visitors Centers or the Roadhouses.
The Nullarbor Links is a unique golf course located in Western Australia, stretching across the vast and sparsely populated Nullarbor Plain. It is the world's longest golf course, spanning 1,365 kilometers (848 miles) from Kalgoorlie in Western Australia to Ceduna in South Australia.
The Nullarbor Links was designed to provide an enjoyable and challenging golfing experience while showcasing the stunning and diverse landscape of the Nullarbor Plain. The course consists of 18 holes, with each hole located at a different participating town or roadhouse along the Eyre Highway.
Each hole represents the characteristics and attractions of the region it is located in, making it a truly unique golfing experience. Golfers can encounter fairways lined with red dirt, sand greens, and even holes that include natural hazards like kangaroo tracks and saltbush bushes.
To play the Nullarbor Links, golfers need to register and purchase a scorecard from one of the participating towns or roadhouses. As they travel along the Eyre Highway, they can play each hole at their leisure. After completing a hole, golfers can record their scores on the scorecard, and once they finish the entire course, they can submit their scorecard for recognition.
The Nullarbor Links is not your typical golf course as it offers a blend of golfing and outback adventure. It allows golfers to explore the vastness of the Nullarbor Plain while enjoying the sport. It's important to note that due to the course's remote location, it's recommended to plan your trip and make necessary accommodations in advance
Great fun!
“My husband played the 18 holes of golf as we drove across the Nullarbor. Purchase your entry and score card ($70) at either Ceduna or Kalgoorlie, then stop at every town and roadhouse across 2 states. Each hole is quirky and unique with all sorts of challenges. It is a great way to break up your trip and get a bit of exercise along the way”.
One course to play before you die!
“Played in this year's Chasing the Sun competition over the Nullarbor Links Golf Course with 53 other golfers. Started in Ceduna SA and ended in Kalgoorlie WA. What a great concept, and a great way to see The Great Southern Land at a leisurely pace. No 4 hour rush to play 18 holes; you can play here in 4/5 days!!”
Do this once in your life!
“For years we have been hoping to play this “course” and we finally did it. We live in Melbourne and decided to do a month-long driving trip to and from Western Australia. For the golf we took only a driver, a couple of irons, and a putter. You don't need a full set. No problem using your own clubs. Since you are encouraged to tee up each shot, even on the so-called fairways, there's not much chance of damaging the clubs. We played most of the holes going east to west, but saved a few for the return trip. We also planned overnights at the roadhouses in Eucla, Baladonia, and Cocklebiddy. All were more than adequate. In fact one of the best meals we had on the entire trip was a Scotch fillet at the Baladonia roadhouse. Only once did we bypass a golf hole due to having to wait for others to finish, though on the way back we saw a couple of holes with a half dozen people waiting. Flies were relentless and we're so happy we had our hats with fly netting. We have the distinction of actually hitting a ball into a wombat hole on the Wombat Hole hole in Nundroo, but successfully retrieved it. This was definitely worth doing as a wacky experience. Don't do it if you think this is a serious golfing experience. It's just fun”.
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