The stinger golf shot, popularized by golfers like Tiger Woods, is a low, penetrating shot that is useful in certain situations, such as playing into the wind or when accuracy and control are essential. Here's how you can learn to hit the stinger shot: Learning the Stinger Golf Shot

  1. Club Selection: Choose a long iron or a lower-lofted club, such as a 2 or 3 iron, to achieve a lower trajectory. These clubs have less loft, which helps keep the ball flight lower.
  2. Ball Position: Position the ball slightly back in your stance, closer to your trailing foot (right foot for right-handed golfers). This promotes a descending strike on the ball and reduces the launch angle.
  3. Hands Ahead of the Ball: At address, ensure that your hands are slightly ahead of the ball, creating a forward shaft lean. This helps promote a downward strike and reduces the loft on the clubface at impact.
  4. Swing Path: Focus on swinging the club on a shallow and slightly inside-out path. This path helps promote a more piercing ball flight and reduces the chances of hitting the ball too high.
  5. Maintain a Controlled Tempo: The stinger shot requires a smooth and controlled swing. Avoid trying to swing too hard or aggressively, as this can lead to loss of control. Focus on maintaining a consistent and rhythmic tempo throughout the swing.
  6. Limit Wrist Hinge: Restrict the amount of wrist hinge during the backswing and downswing. By keeping your wrists relatively firm, you prevent the club from adding unnecessary loft to the shot. This promotes a lower ball flight.
  7. Keep Your Head Down: Maintain good posture and keep your head down throughout the swing. This helps maintain stability and focus, ensuring a solid strike on the ball.
  8. Follow Through Low: After impact, focus on a low and controlled follow-through. Keep the clubhead low to the ground and prevent excessive release of the clubhead, which can add height to the shot.
  9. Practice with Variation: Spend time practicing the stinger shot on the driving range. Experiment with different ball positions, swing tempos, and club selections to find what works best for you. Take note of the ball flight and make adjustments accordingly.
  10. Play with Confidence: Once you feel comfortable with the technique, take the stinger shot to the course. Visualize the shot and approach it with confidence. Use it in situations where a low, controlled ball flight is advantageous, such as hitting under tree branches or against strong headwinds.

Remember, mastering the stinger shot takes practice and experimentation. Be patient and persistent as you refine your technique and develop a feel for the shot. With time and dedication, you'll be able to add this valuable shot to your arsenal.


Q: What is a stinger golf shot? A: A stinger golf shot is a low-trajectory shot that flies with minimal height and spin, resulting in a controlled ball flight that maximizes roll upon landing.

Q: When is a stinger shot useful in golf? A: Stinger shots are useful in windy conditions, when you need to keep the ball under obstacles like trees, or when you want to control distance and accuracy.

Q: Can any golfer learn to hit a stinger shot? A: While any golfer can learn to hit a stinger shot, it requires practice and understanding of the necessary adjustments.

Q: What types of clubs can be used for a stinger shot? A: Typically, long irons and hybrids are commonly used for stinger shots due to their lower trajectory potential.

Q: What are the key steps to learning the stinger shot? A: Key steps include:

  1. Ball Position: Place the ball back in your stance, often closer to your trailing foot.
  2. Shaft Lean: Lean the shaft forward to de-loft the club and reduce launch angle.
  3. Hands Ahead: Ensure your hands are ahead of the ball at impact.
  4. Controlled Swing: Focus on a controlled, abbreviated swing to reduce height.
  5. Low Finish: Maintain a low follow-through with reduced clubhead height.

Q: Can the stinger shot be hit with every club? A: The stinger shot is most effective with long irons and hybrids due to their design and lower loft.

Q: How can I practice the stinger shot? A: Practice the stinger shot on the driving range by working on ball position, shaft lean, and swing control. Experiment with different clubs to find the best fit for you.

Q: Is it possible to shape a stinger shot? A: While shaping a stinger shot is challenging due to the lower trajectory, skilled golfers can manipulate their swing path and clubface angle to achieve slight draws or fades.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to hitting stinger shots? A: Hitting stinger shots consistently requires precision and practice. If not executed correctly, they can result in low, weak shots.

Q: Can learning the stinger shot improve overall ball control? A: Learning the stinger shot can enhance your ball control skills, as it forces you to focus on key elements of impact and trajectory control.

Q: Should I use the stinger shot on every hole? A: The stinger shot is a specialized shot. It's most effective in specific situations, such as windy conditions or when you need to navigate tight spaces.

Q: Can I use a stinger shot around the green? A: While stinger shots are typically associated with longer shots, you can adapt the technique for shorter distances by using shorter clubs.

Q: What's the main benefit of the stinger shot? A: The main benefit is control. Stinger shots provide accuracy, distance control, and the ability to handle challenging conditions.

Q: How can I incorporate the stinger shot into my game? A: Practice is key. Start by learning the technique on the range, then gradually incorporate it into your on-course strategy when appropriate.

Q: Can I combine the stinger shot with other shot shapes? A: Yes, combining the stinger shot with draws and fades can add versatility to your shot-making skills.

Q: Should I seek professional instruction to learn the stinger shot? A: Professional instruction can accelerate your learning process and help you avoid common mistakes when trying to hit stinger shots.

In summary, learning the stinger shot can enhance your shot-making skills and provide you with a valuable tool for controlling your ball flight in various conditions. Practice and patience are key to mastering this specialized shot.