Pulling putts, where the ball starts left of the target line for a right-handed golfer (opposite for left-handed golfers), can be frustrating and detrimental to your putting performance. Here are a few potential causes and cures for pulling putts:

  1. Alignment Issues: One common cause of pulled putts is improper alignment. If your body and putter face are aimed left of the target, it can cause the ball to start on a leftward path. To correct this, ensure your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned parallel to the target line. Use alignment aids or visual cues on the green to help guide your alignment.
  2. Inconsistent Stroke Path: A faulty stroke path can also lead to pulled putts. If your putter swings inside-out or across the target line during the stroke, it can cause the ball to veer left. Focus on developing a smooth, straight-back-and-through stroke. Practice with alignment rods or a training aid to ensure your putter travels on the intended path.
  3. Grip Pressure: Gripping the putter too tightly can restrict the natural release of the putter head and contribute to a pulling motion. Maintain a relaxed grip pressure, allowing the putter to swing freely. Imagine holding the putter with just enough pressure to keep control, but not so tight that it hinders your stroke.
  4. Eye Alignment: Your eye position at address can affect your perception of alignment and lead to pulled putts. If your eyes are inside the target line or too far to the left, it can influence your stroke path and cause the ball to pull. Check that your dominant eye is directly over or slightly inside the ball at address.
  5. Tempo and Rhythm: Poor tempo and rhythm can disrupt the timing of your stroke and contribute to pulled putts. Work on developing a consistent, smooth tempo with a steady cadence. Practice with a metronome or use a mental count to establish a rhythm that promotes a fluid and on-target stroke.
  6. Mental Focus: Pulling putts can also be a result of mental factors, such as anxiety or lack of focus. Stay calm and composed over the ball, visualizing the intended line and target. Avoid rushing your stroke and maintain your concentration throughout the entire putting motion.

It's important to identify the specific cause of your pulled putts by analyzing your setup, stroke mechanics, and overall technique. Working with a qualified golf instructor or coach can provide personalized guidance and feedback to address your specific issues. They can observe your stroke, offer adjustments, and provide drills and exercises to help correct the pulling tendency. Regular practice and repetition of proper technique will also contribute to more accurate and consistent putting.