If you find yourself drop-kicking your drives, where the clubhead strikes the ground before making contact with the ball, there are a few key factors to address in your swing and setup. Here are some tips to help you stop drop-kicking your drives:

  1. Proper Setup: Ensure you have the correct setup position. Start by positioning the ball just inside your lead heel for optimal impact. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your weight should be balanced evenly between your feet. Maintain good posture with a slight tilt forward from the hips.
  2. Ball Position: Position the ball slightly forward in your stance, just inside your lead heel. This allows you to catch the ball on the upswing, rather than hitting down on it. Hitting up on the ball helps to launch it higher and reduces the likelihood of drop-kicking.
  3. Tee Height: Adjust your tee height. Make sure the ball is teed up at the appropriate height to match your driver's loft. The top half of the ball should be above the crown of the driver at address. This helps promote an upward strike on the ball and minimizes the chances of hitting the ground first.
  4. Swing Path: Pay attention to your swing path. A common cause of drop-kicking is an overly steep or outside-to-in swing path. Focus on swinging along a more shallow, inside-to-out path. Visualize sweeping the clubhead through impact and avoid any excessive steepness or lateral movement.
  5. Weight Transfer: Proper weight transfer is crucial for a consistent and solid strike. Make sure you initiate your downswing by shifting your weight onto your front foot, allowing your hips to rotate through impact. This helps create a shallow angle of attack and prevents the clubhead from hitting the ground before the ball.
  6. Maintain Balance: Avoid any excessive swaying or shifting of your weight during the swing. Maintain good balance throughout the entire motion, keeping your weight centered and evenly distributed between your feet. This helps promote a smooth and controlled swing, reducing the chances of drop-kicking.
  7. Timing and Rhythm: Focus on your timing and rhythm. A rushed or jerky swing can lead to poor contact and an increased likelihood of drop-kicking. Develop a smooth and controlled swing tempo, allowing the clubhead to flow through the ball with proper sequencing and timing.
  8. Practice Drills: Incorporate practice drills to help improve your contact and ball striking. One drill is the “Tee Drill,” where you place a tee in the ground just in front of the ball. Practice hitting drives without touching the tee, ensuring that the clubhead is making clean contact with the ball first.
  9. Stay Relaxed: Tension in your hands, arms, and body can negatively impact your swing and lead to drop-kicking. Stay relaxed and maintain a light grip pressure throughout your swing. This allows for better clubhead control and helps prevent any unnecessary tension that can result in poor contact.
  10. Seek Professional Guidance: If drop-kicking continues to be an issue, consider working with a golf professional. They can analyze your swing, identify any specific flaws or tendencies causing the drop-kick, and provide personalized instruction to help you correct it.

Remember, improving your swing takes time and practice. Focus on one aspect at a time, implement these tips into your routine, and be patient with your progress. With dedication and consistent effort, you can overcome the issue of drop-kicking your drives and improve your overall ball striking.