This book (now available in Paperback and eBook) offers PGA teaching pros explaining golf's key principles including the meaning of the most important golf terms, how it applies to each aspect of the game, and how to apply it correctly to your game.
Golf is a sport that's often perceived as being difficult and requiring much skill, but professional players and instructors know there are certain key principles that will greatly benefit the game of any player.
This guide dives into those principles, so you the Golfer can identify, and improve problem areas in both your long and short game. In this book, PGA teaching pros take you step-by-step through each principle, explaining in detail how to apply each one to the improvement of your game… with insightful suggestions, drills, and helpful photos/illustrations.
Book Content Introduction
Chapter 1: Fade
“In many ways, the swing that you need to make to create a fade is just a standard, fundamentally sound, golf swing.”
Chapter 2: Fairway-Woods
“Fairway woods are some of the most versatile clubs in the game.”
Chapter 3: Fat Shots
“One of the frustrating aspects of hitting fat shots is that you will probably feel like you are close to making a good swing – and you probably are right.”
Chapter 4: Fear
“Every golfer knows the feeling of being afraid while getting ready to swing – and that is a powerful feeling, even if your fears are not the physical kind.”
Chapter 5: Feel
“Feel contributes to rhythm, and it is rhythm that will allow you to perform well even under pressure.”
Chapter 6: Feet
“One of the tricky things about positioning your feet is the fact that you will not want to have them pointing in the same direction for all shots.”
Chapter 7: Focus
“To be sure, focus is something that is in high demand on the golf course, and developing your ability to focus should be high on your golf priority list.”
Chapter 8: Greenside
“The first step toward good bunker strategy is reading the green just like you would for a putt.”
Chapter 9: Grip
“While there is no one perfect way to grip the club, there are some basic fundamentals that will serve all players well.”
Chapter 10: Head
“If your head isn't moving at all while you are swinging the club, you are likely making a very limited swing that will offer minimal power at impact.”
Chapter 11: Heel
“While you'll never avoid heel shots entirely, limiting their frequency is a great way to make strides toward your goals.”
Chapter 12: Rhythm
“For those who are serious about playing golf at a higher level, working on rhythm is a big step in the right direction.”
Chapter 13: Rotation
“There is more to hitting good shots than just rotation, of course, but rotating well is a big step in the right direction.”
Chapter 14: Sequence
“Only when you are able to sequence your swing properly time after time will you be able to achieve the level of consistency required to play great golf.”
Chapter 15: Setup
“While addressing the ball properly doesn't guarantee that you will make a good swing, it certainly is an important first step.”
Chapter 16: Shank
“One of the most frustrating aspects of hitting a shank is the unpredictable nature of the shot.”
Chapter 17: Shoulder Turn
“It might be helpful to think of your shoulder turn as the engine of your golf swing.”
Chapter 18: Slice Shots
“Not every slice is created equal, so you will need to find the perfect solution for your specific swing technique.”
Chapter 19: Stance
“While the stance will change slightly from club to club, you can use the same basic body position to hit all of your shots.”
Chapter 20: Stinger
“One of the shots that you may want to consider adding to your 'toolbox' is the stinger.”