Firing-Clearing your Hips in a golf swing refers to the proper sequencing and rotation of the hips during the downswing. It is a fundamental move that generates power, helps achieve proper ball striking, and improves overall swing mechanics. When executed correctly, firing the hips contributes to increased clubhead speed and better control of the golf ball. Here's how to fire your hips effectively in a golf swing: Firing-Clearing Your Hips in a Golf Swing

  1. Set Up Properly: Start with a balanced and athletic stance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your weight evenly distributed between both feet.
  2. Takeaway: During the backswing, turn your upper body and shoulders away from the target while maintaining a stable lower body. Your hips should rotate slightly, but the focus is on turning your upper body and coiling your torso.
  3. Transition: As you complete your backswing, initiate the downswing by starting the movement with your lower body, specifically your hips. Begin the rotation of your hips toward the target before your upper body starts the downswing.
  4. Lower Body Leading: The key to firing your hips is to have your lower body lead the downswing. Your hips should rotate aggressively toward the target, pulling your upper body and arms along with them.
  5. Hip Rotation: The hips should rotate open or “clear” through the impact zone. This rotation allows your body to face the target at impact while transferring weight onto the front foot.
  6. Weight Transfer: Proper hip rotation facilitates weight transfer from your back foot to your front foot during the downswing. This weight transfer helps generate power and allows you to strike the ball with a descending blow, producing more distance and better ball flight.
  7. Maintain Posture: While firing your hips, focus on maintaining good posture and spine angle throughout the swing. Avoid any excessive or lateral swaying that can negatively impact your ball striking consistency.
  8. Follow Through: As you complete the downswing, allow your hips to continue rotating toward the target and into a full and balanced follow-through position. Your weight should be fully transferred onto your front foot, and your hips should face the target.
  9. Practice with Drills: To improve your hip rotation, practice drills that emphasize the sequencing of the hips in the golf swing. For example, you can try the “Step Change of Direction” drill, where you take a small step forward with your front foot to initiate the downswing, encouraging proper hip rotation.

Firing-Clearing your hips correctly in a golf swing is a dynamic movement that requires practice and proper timing. Working with a golf instructor or coach can help you fine-tune your hip rotation and improve your overall swing mechanics. By mastering this fundamental move, you can add power and consistency to your golf shots.

Clearing-Firing your hips in golf is a crucial aspect of the golf swing that directly impacts power, consistency, and ball striking. Properly clearing the hips refers to the rotation and lateral movement of the hips during the downswing and follow-through. When executed correctly, it allows for efficient transfer of energy, proper sequencing, and a more controlled impact with the golf ball.

Why Clearing Your Hips Matters in Golf:

Clearing the hips is essential in generating clubhead speed and distance in the golf swing. The hips are the primary power source in the swing, and their efficient rotation enables the golfer to create torque and leverage, resulting in increased clubhead speed. It also helps position the body for a more powerful release of the club through impact.

Additionally, clearing the hips ensures proper ball contact and helps prevent common swing flaws such as slices and hooks. When the hips clear effectively, the body can maintain a stable posture and alignment, leading to a more accurate and consistent ball flight.

Key Elements of Clearing the Hips:

  1. Proper Setup: Clearing the hips starts with a solid setup. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed, and weight evenly distributed. The spine should maintain a neutral posture, and the shoulders and hips should be aligned parallel to the target line.
  2. Backswing: During the backswing, the hips should turn to facilitate the rotation of the upper body. The goal is to create a coiling effect between the upper body and lower body, storing energy for the downswing.
  3. Transition: The transition from the backswing to the downswing is where the hips play a pivotal role. As the club reaches the top of the backswing, the hips initiate the downswing by rotating toward the target. This movement starts the chain reaction of the downswing sequence.
  4. Lateral Movement: Along with rotation, there is also a lateral movement of the hips toward the target. This lateral shift of the hips helps shift the weight onto the front foot, setting up the ideal position for impact.
  5. Open Hips at Impact: The proper clearing of the hips should result in open hips at impact, meaning the hips face more toward the target than the ball. This position allows for the upper body to rotate fully through impact, promoting a square clubface and a solid strike on the ball.
  6. Follow-Through: After impact, the hips continue to clear, rotating and allowing the body to follow through naturally. The weight transfers to the front foot, and the hips face the target, showing that the full power of the swing has been unleashed.

Common Mistakes in Hip Clearing:

  1. Early Hip Rotation: One common mistake is rotating the hips too early in the downswing, causing the upper body to lag and leading to inconsistent ball striking and loss of power.
  2. Lack of Lateral Movement: Some golfers may fail to shift their weight laterally toward the target, leading to poor weight transfer and limited power generation.
  3. Hip Slide: Sliding the hips laterally instead of rotating them can lead to an unstable swing and a loss of power.
  4. Restricted Hip Turn: Stiff hips can hinder rotation and limit the golfer's ability to fully clear the hips, resulting in less distance and decreased ball control.

Drills to Improve Hip Clearing:

  1. Hip Rotation Drill: Stand with a club across your shoulders and rotate your hips to simulate the golf swing motion. Focus on the separation between your upper and lower body.
  2. Step Change of Direction Drill: Take a small step forward with your front foot during the downswing, which encourages proper hip rotation and weight transfer.
  3. Resistance Band Drill: Use a resistance band to simulate the rotational movement of the hips, strengthening the muscles involved in hip clearing.
  4. Feet Together Drill: Practice hitting shots with your feet together, which encourages proper hip rotation and balance.

The Importance of Hip Clearing for Various Shots:

Clearing the hips is essential for every type of shot in golf, from full swings with the driver to delicate pitch shots around the green. The principles of hip clearing remain consistent across all shots, providing the foundation for a fluid and efficient golf swing.

Off the Tee: In the driver swing, hip clearing is vital for generating maximum distance and clubhead speed. The hips initiate the downswing, allowing the golfer to unleash the power stored during the backswing.

Approach Shots: For approach shots to the green, clearing the hips ensures proper weight transfer and balance, leading to cleaner ball striking and more precise shot shaping.

Pitch Shots and Short Game: Even in the short game, hip clearing plays a role in maintaining stability and control. It allows the golfer to rotate the body and generate the necessary speed and spin to control the trajectory and distance of the shot.


Firing-Clearing your hips in golf is a fundamental skill that directly influences the effectiveness of your swing. By properly rotating and clearing the hips during the downswing, you can generate more power, achieve consistent ball striking, and improve your overall golf performance. Through practice and attention to the key elements of hip clearing, golfers can unleash the full potential of their swings and elevate their game to new levels. Working with a golf instructor can provide valuable feedback and guidance to help you optimize your hip clearing