Titleist announced recently the brand spanking new TS4 driver, which makes for the latest member of the TS family. The TS4 already saw action back in April at the Valero Texas Open, and it will soon hit the shelves, becoming available for “civilians” at golf retailers’ worldwide sometime in late June, the current year. So, what’s up about the new Titleist TS4? Why would you buy one, since we already have the TS2 and TS3? Well, the TS4 is all about spin baby. Stick around and we’ll provide you with juicy tech details on the latest driver directly from Titleist.
To make a long and boring story relatively short and interesting, the TS4 driver can be described as the smallest and lowest spinning driver in the TS family, and it was specially designed for a select group of “better players”/Tour Pros who were seeking for a tool which would allow them to further reduce spin, but in the same time maintain the lightning fast (legal) ball speeds ever achieved by Titleist. We know, it sounds pretty brazen, but truth be told, the TS4 actually managed to do it, as this amazing driver was found to be able to reduce spin by an average 300 to 400 RPM (according to Titleist’s own testing) compared to the TS2 and TS3. And that’s nothing short of amazing, considering the fact that the Titleist TS4 comes in the hugely popular 430cc package, which is player-preferred. In terms of look/appearance at address, the Titleist TS4 features the classic pear shape, which is the company’s signature, and made their drivers the legends that are today, but if you take a look beyond the traditional pear shape, there’s nothing old school in these babies, as they arrive packed to the brim with the latest and greatest technologies the company keeps under her belt. And we are not kidding either.
>The Titleist TS4 is nothing short of a 430cc titanium made weapon of mass destruction, and it uses basically the same ultrathin crown and the excellent speed chassis as the other members of Titleist’s TS line-up. In order to maximize discretionary weight, the company’s Research and Development team moved the driver’s center of gravity 5 millimeters closer to the club’s face. We know, it doesn’t sound like much for a golfer that is used to figures like 550-yard par 5, but from an engineering point of view, 5 millimeters is quite a lot, i.e. it makes for a lot of movement. Essentially, by moving the center of gravity closer to the face, you’ll create a more workable and lower spinning driver, and that’s exactly what the TS4 is all about.
On top of that, the TS4 features Titleist’s stellar Sure-Fit flat weight adjustability system, just like the TS2 driver, but with a twist: this time in a forward configuration, and you also get a .75 degree SureFit hosel. And if you want to learn more juicy details about the TS4, stick around, it gets even better: amazingly enough, this baby was 5 years in the making, as its inception dates back to the original 915 D4. The 915 D4 was a very interesting piece of golf gear, but it had a major flaw, according to Titleist: despite boasting amazing spin reduction and an incredibly small footprint, the 915 D4 couldn’t achieve peak ball speeds, as requested by Tour pros. Don’t get us wrong, as the 915 D4 was pretty far from slow, but it would’ve required a lot of effort and skills to use this driver at its full potential, i.e. from a marketing point of view, the 915 D4 was not that hot as it could’ve been. Compared to the D4, the TS4 is one hundred percent full rollout, and you can take this to the bank.
Also, the 915 D4 was not released to the “masses”, as it was only available via Made Only To Order or MOTO, an exclusive program of sorts, which made it quasi impossible for regular golfers to add the D4 to their paraphernalia. However, rest assured that you’ll be able to put your greedy little hands on a Titleist TS4 hassle free, as the driver is going to be available in both custom fitting studios and “brick and mortar” shops alike. And if you’re already sold on Titleist’s “spin-wonder” driver, the good news is that the TS4 will be available worldwide starting with June 27th provided you want to order it via your Titleist account. If you were wondering about aftermarket shaft models, there’s no problem here either, as the TS4 will benefit from the same gear as the TS2 and the TS3, i.e. Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black 60, Project X EvenFlow T1100 White 65, Mitsubishi Kuro Kage Black Dual Core 50 and Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue 55.