©Bushnell Golf
If you’re looking for pinpoint accuracy on the golf course, have no fear, because Bushnell just revealed their latest distance measuring device (DMD), the brand spanking new Bushnell Hybrid. It’s a known fact that Bushnell has long been a trend-setter and a pioneer so to speak in the DMD industry, leading the market with high tech and truly innovative gizmos like the Tour X Jolt, a laser-based distance measuring device that was capable to switch quickly between slope and non-slope readings via a banal replacement of its face plate. Their latest DMD, the Bushnell Hybrid continues the company’s innovative trend, making for a cool combo between the latest and greatest GPS and laser technologies, thus delivering the best of both worlds in one single device. The company describes the Bushnell Hybrid as a very intelligent DMD, whatever that means. The thing about this state of the art distance measuring device is that it brings laser accurate (and I mean that literally) readings and GPS yardages on the golf course at the same time, thus giving players more flexibility with regard to choosing the ideal solution in basically any scenario imaginable. The Bushnell Hybrid’s laser feature will provide you with high accuracy with regard to distances to the front/back/pin of the green and hazards. In the same time, you can check out the display located on the side of the device, to see the GPS readings/measurements which clearly showcase middle, front and back yardages.
In this way, you’ll get that “extra help” when you’re facing those nasty blind shots, or if you’re fond of getting all the intel available in the shortest amount of time. Here’s where the Bushnell Hybrid excels, in providing players with a plethora of information,more than ever before. The two technologies work together, so you’ll be able to see the front/back distances of the green, combined with the pin that is targeted with perfect accuracy by the laser. With GPS and laser powers combined, the Bushnell Hybrid is guaranteed to provide you with the best (as in most accurate) intel, so you can concentrate on your game and play your best round. Another state of the art feature of this hybrid is the company’s proprietary Dual Power Technology, created to give enough juice/autonomy required by the laser/GPS combo in one device. The laser is powered by a CR2 battery, while the GPS sensor gets its juice from a rechargeable lithium ion battery. The Dual Power technology comes handy if you want to use, let’s say the laser thing, even if your GPS battery is depleted and vice versa. Basically, you’ll never run out of steam with this technology, or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Just like the rest of DMD’s in Bushnell’s paraphernalia, the Hybrid comes loaded with the company’s proprietary PinSeeker with Jolt Technology, which works by delivering short and vibrating bursts to help you isolate the desired target and lock onto the flag. The Bushnell Hybrid’s laser measurement accuracy is 1 yard, can locate flags up to 400 yards away and it comes with 5x zoom/magnification. The GPS sensor is capable of providing up to four hazard distances per hol. Finally, the Hybrid comes with Bluetooth capability, i.e. it’s capable of auto course updates when paired to your smartphone, and also Auto hole advance and Auto course recognition.