Sun Mountain Three 5 Golf Bag Review
When you are choosing a golf bag you want to consider several factors. This bag may just contain them all and become your favorite bag. Built especially for the golfer who enjoys the peace and quiet of viewing nature while walking the golf course, the Three 5 by sun mountain is their best-selling bag for the carrying customer with its “ahead of time design”. It features a pop-out stand and a newly redesigned 9.5” top to make choosing your club and getting it out of the four full-length dividers, effortless. Its other new design advantages include a better scorecard pocket, and the latest colors–14 color combinations in all–and body style. Best of all, its new Auto-Fit strap design makes it easier to take on and off because it is a dual strap. This strap design is so unique it is in the process of being patented, so you will stand out among your friends unless they follow your lead and purchase this marvelous bag. Special triangular foot pads give the Three 5 the ground stability of a lunar module and they won’t sink into the grass or slide around on wet surfaces. Although it’s specifically designed for carrying, the Three 5 can also be used in a cart, with its locking legs and non-marring base. The responsive spring activated legs snap to attention for quick use and minimal delay to play. Seven pockets are included in this sun mountain bag’s design including a ball pocket, large clothing pocket, a beverage pouch, the newly improved score card pocket, and a soft touch non scratching velour lined pocket for your watch, rings, cell phone, and other valuables you want to protect. Finally, the comfort handle reduces fatigue and ensures you won’t go home before you want to. The Three 5 sells for just $199.99 USD.