We often hear from professional golfers that a pendulum putting stroke is the most effective and consistent way of swinging the putter. What is it exactly and why? Find out below.
A pendulum putting stroke is a motion where the putter swings backwards and forwards in rhythm exactly as an old fashioned clock pendulum would swing. There are two benefits to this type of motion; distance control is simple – rather than hitting the ball harder or softer, the putter can be swung longer or shorter; the putter swings backwards and forwards on the same line throughout the entire motion meaning that the accuracy of the putt is consistent as the club face and path are easy to direct.
The way to create a pendulum putting stroke is for the golfer to swing the putter, hands, arms and shoulders as one unit. Use the following process to swing the putter like a pendulum and putt more consistently and accurately than ever before.
Set up
1. Set the eyes so that they are directly over the ball. This is the most important part of the set up. Setting the eyes directly over the ball means that the fulcrum of the pendulum is positioned in the neck allowing the shoulders to rock the putter backwards and forwards.
2. Stand with good posture. Straighten the back and lean from the hips to provide a comfortable and stable position to putt from.
3. Let the arms hang. Once in good posture with the eyes over the ball, let the arms hang down. Wherever they hang is where the putter needs to be positioned in the grip. This provides a relaxed and connected position that resembles a Y shape between the putter and the arms.
Swing motion
1. Rock the shoulders to and fro keeping the head still as you do so. The shoulders should rock up and down and not forwards and backwards.
2. Keep the legs and hips as still as possible. This lets the shoulders rock consistently and gives a solid base to the putting stroke.
3. Keep the arms and wrists firm but relaxed. The arms and wrists should not move or break down. This action means that the shoulders, arms, wrists and putter all move as one unit.
Performing these points correctly will produce a pendulum swing. To practice using a pendulum motion to control your distance, try this drill.
Take two head covers and position them approximately shoulder width apart. Set up to hit an imaginary putt with a pendulum swing in-between the two head covers. Rock the shoulders backwards and forwards so that the putter head gently touches each head cover. After a few repetitions step back and putt a golf ball with the same action and note how far it travels. There should be no power in this action, instead the weight of the club swinging back and forth should provide the distance. To putt the ball shorter, shorten the distance between the head covers and repeat the same action.
Likewise, to putt the ball longer, widen the distance between the head covers and again hit a golf ball following the practice swings. It is important to try and maintain the same rhythm regardless of swing length and to note roughly how far each swing sends the ball. This action is very consistent in controlling the distance of your putting and, over time, it will become easy to predict how far is needed to swing a golf club rather than trying to predict how hard to hit each putt.
Use a pendulum putting stroke for maximum consistency.