Ready Golf is a term used in golf to promote a faster pace of play and efficient movement on the course. It encourages golfers to be ready to hit their shots when it is their turn, rather than strictly adhering to traditional order of play. Let's take a closer look at the concept of Ready Golf and the key principles associated with it: Golf Lingo: Ready Golf

  • Tee-off readiness: Instead of waiting for the golfer with the honor (the right to tee off first) to hit their shot, Ready Golf suggests that players should tee off as soon as they are ready. This means that if you are prepared to hit and are at your designated tee box, you should go ahead and play your shot without delay.
  • Walk, don't ride: In the context of Ready Golf, walking instead of riding in a golf cart can significantly speed up play. Walking allows golfers to reach their ball faster, especially when their shots are spread out across the fairway. By avoiding the extra time spent driving to each shot, golfers can maintain a steady pace of play and keep the game moving efficiently.
  • Hit when ready: Instead of waiting for the farthest ball from the hole to be played, Ready Golf encourages golfers to hit their shots whenever they are ready. This means that if you are closer to the green than other players, you can play your shot before them, even if they have the traditional honor. By hitting when ready, golfers can save time and prevent unnecessary delays.
  • Be prepared: Ready Golf emphasizes the importance of being prepared to play your shot before it is your turn. This includes selecting your club, assessing the yardage, and visualizing your shot while others are playing. By being proactive and mentally preparing yourself, you can ensure a smooth transition when it is your time to play.
  • Quick searches: If a golfer's ball is lost or goes off course, Ready Golf suggests that they should quickly search for their ball for a limited amount of time, and if it cannot be found, they should proceed with a provisional ball. This prevents unnecessary delays in play and keeps the momentum going.
  • Efficient putting: Ready Golf extends to the putting green as well. Golfers are encouraged to line up their putts, read the green, and prepare for their stroke while others are putting. Once again, the idea is to minimize waiting time and maintain a steady pace of play.
  • Etiquette and safety: While Ready Golf promotes a faster pace, it is essential to remember to be courteous and mindful of safety on the course. Players should still respect each other's personal space, not hit into other groups, and wait for safety to be ensured before hitting their shots.

By implementing the principles of Ready Golf, golfers can enjoy a more efficient and enjoyable round of golf. It reduces waiting time, speeds up play, and prevents unnecessary delays. However, it's important to note that Ready Golf is not about rushing or compromising the integrity of the game. It's about being prepared, making smart decisions, and maintaining a smooth flow of play. So, the next time you're out on the course, consider adopting the principles of Ready Golf to keep the game moving and make the most of your golfing experience.

Sportsmanship and etiquette are a big part of golf’s tradition and appeal. Unfortunately, they also contribute to the game’s maddeningly slow pace.

Golf Lingo: Ready Golf

That’s why it’s best to practice “ready golf” during any informal round, i.e., any round played outside of a tournament. Ready golf not only speeds play by dispensing with the usual formalities, it can help golfers maintain a steady rhythm.

Basically, ready golf is exactly what it sounds like – the golfer who is ready is the one who hits next. On the tee, that means no waiting for players to hit in order of “honors” claimed on previous holes. In the fairway, rough or near the green, it means no waiting while a golfer who is farther away hits first.

Ready golf shouldn’t always be applied literally, of course. You should never race far ahead of your partners to hit an approach shot to the green, for example. Nor should you hit first when you’re between another golfer and the target. No one should putt until the entire group has reached the green. And you should never, ever putt before another golfer if it means standing on his line.

Ready golf, in golf lingo, refers to a playing style and approach that emphasizes a faster pace of play. It encourages golfers to be prepared and take their shots promptly, even if it's not their turn, with the primary goal of maintaining a good pace of play on the golf course.

Q1: Why is ready golf important in golf? A1: Ready golf is essential in golf to improve the pace of play and reduce slow rounds. Faster play benefits all golfers on the course, as it minimizes waiting time and keeps the game enjoyable and efficient.

Q2: How does ready golf differ from the traditional “honors” system? A2: In the traditional “honors” system, the golfer with the best score on the previous hole has the honor or right to tee off first on the next hole. Ready golf, on the other hand, encourages golfers to play as soon as they are ready, regardless of their score on the previous hole.

Q3: What are some examples of ready golf in action? A3: Examples of ready golf include:

  • Hitting when ready, even if not the farthest from the hole.
  • Walking to your ball and assessing your shot while others are hitting.
  • Putting out or finishing up your hole before marking your scorecard.
  • Taking practice swings while waiting for others to hit.
  • Preparing for your shot while your playing partners are hitting, as long as it doesn't disturb their play.

Q4: Is ready golf only for casual golfers, or is it acceptable in competitive play? A4: Ready golf is suitable for all golfers, whether playing casually or in competitive settings. Many golf organizations and tournaments now encourage ready golf to maintain a reasonable pace of play.

Q5: How can ready golf improve the overall golfing experience? A5: Ready golf can make the overall golfing experience more enjoyable and less stressful. It reduces waiting time, keeps players engaged, and allows for a smoother flow of play.

Q6: Are there any situations where ready golf should be avoided? A6: While ready golf is generally beneficial, there are some situations where players should exercise caution. For example, in formal or prestigious tournaments with strict rules and regulations, ready golf may not be encouraged. Additionally, players should be mindful of safety and respect for others on the course.

Q7: How can golfers encourage ready golf within their group? A7: Golfers can encourage ready golf within their group by setting a positive example themselves. They can also communicate with their playing partners before the round to agree on ready golf principles and remind each other during the game.

Q8: What can golf courses and golf associations do to promote ready golf? A8: Golf courses and golf associations can promote ready golf by providing information and guidelines on their websites and course signage. They can also incorporate ready golf messaging in player handbooks and during pre-round announcements.

Q9: Does ready golf have any impact on golf etiquette? A9: While ready golf prioritizes a faster pace of play, it should not compromise golf etiquette. Players should still show respect to others on the course, repair divots, rake bunkers, and maintain proper decorum.

Q10: Can ready golf help reduce slow play and gridlock on the golf course? A10: Yes, ready golf is an effective way to reduce slow play and gridlock on the golf course. By encouraging players to be ready to play when it's their turn, the overall pace of play improves, leading to quicker rounds.

Q11: Are there any potential downsides to ready golf? A11: The main downside of ready golf could be a lack of awareness or education among some players. If not properly understood, ready golf might lead to confusion or disruptions on the course.

Q12: How can golfers strike a balance between ready golf and taking their time to plan and execute shots? A12: Golfers can strike a balance by being prepared for their shots, mentally visualizing their shots while waiting, and having a pre-shot routine to ensure they make thoughtful decisions. Ready golf should not compromise the quality of each shot but rather encourage players to be efficient and considerate of others' time.

As long as you use common courtesy (and common sense), ready golf is the way to go. Always propose it to your group on the first tee. While some golfers will occasionally balk, the vast majority will be happy to comply and play more quickly.

Here are more ways to improve the pace of your rounds while staying within the bounds of good etiquette:

Top 10 Tips for Faster Golf Play