Hitting low lofted long irons can be a common struggle for many golfers, as these clubs require a specific technique to generate enough launch and distance. Here are some causes and cures for hitting low lofted long irons: How Can I Improve My Long Irons


  1. Incorrect ball position: Placing the ball too far back in your stance can cause you to make contact with the ball before the clubface has a chance to fully close. This results in a lower trajectory and less distance.

Cure: Adjust your ball position slightly more forward in your stance, allowing for better clubface contact and a higher launch angle.

  1. Insufficient clubhead speed: Long irons typically require a higher clubhead speed to generate enough power and loft. If your clubhead speed is too slow, it can result in low shots.

Cure: Work on improving your overall swing speed through strength and flexibility exercises, as well as focusing on generating more power from your lower body.

  1. Poor angle of attack: If you are hitting down too steeply on the ball, it can cause the clubface to deloft at impact, resulting in lower shots.

Cure: Focus on shallowing out your angle of attack by starting your downswing with a gradual transition and allowing the club to shallow out naturally.

  1. Lack of proper club release: Failing to release the club properly through impact can also lead to low shots. This means that the clubface is not closing at the right time, resulting in a lower trajectory.

Cure: Practice proper club release by working on your hand and wrist action through impact. Focus on maintaining a firm grip pressure and allowing the club to release naturally.

  1. Swing plane issues: A swing plane that is too steep or too shallow can affect the trajectory of your long irons. A steep swing plane can result in a downward strike, while a shallow swing plane can lead to thin shots.

Cure: Work with a golf instructor to improve your swing plane and ensure it is in the proper position for hitting long irons. This may involve adjustments to your posture, takeaway, and swing path.

  1. Incorrect club selection: Sometimes, using a long iron when a hybrid or fairway wood would be a better option can result in low shots. These clubs are designed to launch the ball higher and provide more forgiveness.

Cure: Evaluate your club selection based on your skill level and the specific shot requirements. Experiment with hybrids or fairway woods to see if they provide better results in terms of trajectory and distance.

Indeed, long irons can be challenging to hit due to their low loft and smaller clubface. They require a precise and consistent swing to make solid contact and achieve the desired distance and trajectory. Here are some common difficulties and tips to help you navigate the challenges of hitting long irons:

  1. Lack of confidence: Many golfers struggle with confidence when it comes to long irons, which can lead to tense swings and poor results.

Tip: Practice with your long irons regularly to build confidence. Start with shorter shots and gradually work your way up to longer distances. Focus on making solid contact and trust your swing.

  1. Low ball flight: Due to the lower loft of long irons, shots tend to have a lower trajectory, making it harder to hold greens or carry hazards.

Tip: Adjust your setup to promote a higher ball flight. Tee the ball slightly higher, position it slightly forward in your stance, and make sure to maintain a balanced and smooth swing.

  1. Difficulty with accuracy: The smaller clubface of long irons requires precise contact to hit the ball on the sweet spot consistently.

Tip: Focus on your setup and alignment. Ensure that your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned properly to your target. Maintain a steady tempo and rhythm throughout your swing to promote better accuracy.

  1. Inconsistent distance control: Long irons can be challenging to control in terms of distance, leading to inconsistent results.

Tip: Spend time on the driving range practicing distance control with your long irons. Experiment with different swing lengths and speeds to understand how they affect the distance. Develop a consistent and repeatable swing that allows you to dial in the desired yardages.

  1. Alternatives to long irons: Many golfers find it more forgiving and easier to hit hybrid clubs or fairway woods instead of long irons.

Tip: Consider replacing your long irons with hybrids or fairway woods. These clubs typically have a larger clubhead, higher loft, and more forgiveness, making them easier to launch and control.

  1. Seek professional guidance: If you continue to struggle with your long irons, consider taking lessons from a golf professional. They can analyze your swing and provide personalized tips and drills to improve your long iron play.

Remember, hitting long irons well requires practice, patience, and proper technique. Focus on developing a consistent swing, building confidence, and finding the right clubs that suit your game. With time and dedication, you can overcome the challenges and improve your performance with long irons.

Remember, hitting low lofted long irons requires a combination of technique, clubhead speed, and proper club release. By addressing these causes and implementing the suggested cures, you can improve your ability to launch the ball higher and achieve better results with your long irons. Practice regularly, and be patient as you work on refining your technique.

How Can I improve my Long Irons Video