Using Balance To Understand If Your Golf Swing Sequence Is Correct (Video) - by Peter Finch
Using Balance To Understand If Your Golf Swing Sequence Is Correct (Video) - by Peter Finch

If you have a good golf swing sequence, it should allow you to become more balanced when you hit a golf shot. A golf swing sequence gets everything moving in the right order but it also gives a lot of balance to the shot. There are a lot of players who can get out of sequence and then you notice that in the through-swing when they topple off to one side or the other. You’ll notice in the very best place in the world, PGA tour place, the major winners, they all swing through and they have the ability to hit the shot and then to hold their finished position here, chest facing the target, hips rotated fully, and then up on that right turn with the club back across the neck. That is a nice balanced follow-through position. Let’s take for example if the hips don’t move towards the target during the downswing and they don’t rotate properly.

As a player doing that would come through, the hips will not move that way, they go onto the back foot and as they hit, their finished position will be up here leaning back away from the target, not rotating fully through the swing, that would be an out of balance sequence. And as you rock back onto that back forth, it’s very hard to maintain the balance. So if you want to try and use this as a bit of a drill, get yourself set up and just focus on the few key fundamentals. First of all, focus on pushing the hands away, that will get the upper body moving, rotate the shoulders fully, get the hips moving left and turning, and then rotate fully down to target. Break it down into those little byte sized chunks and just try and hold your finished position if you can. If you can do that, then we should have a rough idea and a rough understanding of a good backswing sequence, a good full swing sequence should we say. So taking it away, club head, shoulders come through, hips, and turn. And if you’re going to hold that follow through position and you just check where the hips are, where the body is, you’ll know if you rotate it fully, that is a swing in sequence but also in balance.

If you have a good golf swing sequence, it should allow you to become more balanced when you hit a golf shot. A golf swing sequence gets everything moving in the right order but it also gives a lot of balance to the shot. There are a lot of players who can get out of sequence and then you notice that in the through-swing when they topple off to one side or the other. You’ll notice in the very best place in the world, PGA tour place, the major winners, they all swing through and they have the ability to hit the shot and then to hold their finished position here, chest facing the target, hips rotated fully, and then up on that right turn with the club back across the neck. That is a nice balanced follow-through position. Let’s take for example if the hips don’t move towards the target during the downswing and they don’t rotate properly.

As a player doing that would come through, the hips will not move that way, they go onto the back foot and as they hit, their finished position will be up here leaning back away from the target, not rotating fully through the swing, that would be an out of balance sequence. And as you rock back onto that back forth, it’s very hard to maintain the balance. So if you want to try and use this as a bit of a drill, get yourself set up and just focus on the few key fundamentals. First of all, focus on pushing the hands away, that will get the upper body moving, rotate the shoulders fully, get the hips moving left and turning, and then rotate fully down to target. Break it down into those little byte sized chunks and just try and hold your finished position if you can. If you can do that, then we should have a rough idea and a rough understanding of a good backswing sequence, a good full swing sequence should we say. So taking it away, club head, shoulders come through, hips, and turn. And if you’re going to hold that follow through position and you just check where the hips are, where the body is, you’ll know if you rotate it fully, that is a swing in sequence but also in balance.