How To Learn The Correct Golf Hip Action (Video) - by Pete Styles
How To Learn The Correct Golf Hip Action (Video) - by Pete Styles

Lot of times I’m asked by golfers, “How do I hit the ball further, you know how does this ball get out there as far as it does with the tall pros or even as far as it does with my playing partners?” And often the answer to this is the movement of the hips is going to be the killer factor. That means one golfer is hitting the golf further than another golfer given the fact that they might be the same age, same flexibility, same height. And it’s only a case of watching the guys on the PGA Tour to notice how efficiently they move their hips to generate the club head speed. It’s a very efficient action. So during the back swing face, we kind of keep our heads relatively steady, they have little turn but nothing massive. The shoulders turn, and they wind up and the shoulders wind up against the hips, and then the hips initiate the down swing. So many golfers talk about starting their swing with their hips. What they actually mean by starting the swing, is staring the down swing. The initiation of power in the downswing is created by the hips, so the transition. So we swing to the top, everything is loaded up.

And then from here down, it’s the transition of the hips across to the left side that really releases the power. And two golf swings can look fairly similar, but if one of them uses the hips and the other one doesn’t, there will be a massive difference in club head speed and ultimately distance of how far that golf ball goes. You know this swing is not using the hips enough, so we swing back, hit, and then there’s a follow through. But notice how there's a hit, and then a follow through as opposed to a hit and a follow through is almost an integral part of the shot, because during the down swing, at impact phase, the hips is already turning left and effectively through the ball before the club head comes down. If you can start to use your hips better to initiate the start and the down swing, generate more club head speed, you will add club head speed, and distance to your golf shots.

Lot of times I’m asked by golfers, “How do I hit the ball further, you know how does this ball get out there as far as it does with the tall pros or even as far as it does with my playing partners?” And often the answer to this is the movement of the hips is going to be the killer factor. That means one golfer is hitting the golf further than another golfer given the fact that they might be the same age, same flexibility, same height. And it’s only a case of watching the guys on the PGA Tour to notice how efficiently they move their hips to generate the club head speed. It’s a very efficient action. So during the back swing face, we kind of keep our heads relatively steady, they have little turn but nothing massive. The shoulders turn, and they wind up and the shoulders wind up against the hips, and then the hips initiate the down swing. So many golfers talk about starting their swing with their hips. What they actually mean by starting the swing, is staring the down swing. The initiation of power in the downswing is created by the hips, so the transition. So we swing to the top, everything is loaded up.

And then from here down, it’s the transition of the hips across to the left side that really releases the power. And two golf swings can look fairly similar, but if one of them uses the hips and the other one doesn’t, there will be a massive difference in club head speed and ultimately distance of how far that golf ball goes. You know this swing is not using the hips enough, so we swing back, hit, and then there’s a follow through. But notice how there's a hit, and then a follow through as opposed to a hit and a follow through is almost an integral part of the shot, because during the down swing, at impact phase, the hips is already turning left and effectively through the ball before the club head comes down. If you can start to use your hips better to initiate the start and the down swing, generate more club head speed, you will add club head speed, and distance to your golf shots.