Wrist Action - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Wrist Action - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

The wrist action during the golf swing is fundamental again because once we've got a grip that's our link to the club. The nex upt in the chain from the grip is going to be the wrists so whatever the wrist doing in the golf swing will have a massive impact on what the club is during and particularly how fast he is traveling and where it's aiming. If you're struggling to hit the ball in a straight direction and with accurate power it's possibly because the hands aren't during a particularly good job due to issues in the wrists.

Once we have gone ahead and built a decent grip we then feel the wrist started quite a relaxed position there's not a massive amount of flexion or extension in either one of the wrists here. It's quite comfortably realaxedduring the backswing the hands and arms work in unison away from the ball and I don't really want to see too much wrist action here. We could stand here and flick the club back into the right place but this really isn't a good turn of the body this is over using of the wrist in the take away.


The wrist action during the golf swing is fundamental again because once we've got a grip that's our link to the club. The nex upt in the chain from the grip is going to be the wrists so whatever the wrist doing in the golf swing will have a massive impact on what the club is during and particularly how fast he is traveling and where it's aiming. If you're struggling to hit the ball in a straight direction and with accurate power it's possibly because the hands aren't during a particularly good job due to issues in the wrists.

Once we have gone ahead and built a decent grip we then feel the wrist started quite a relaxed position there's not a massive amount of flexion or extension in either one of the wrists here. It's quite comfortably realaxedduring the backswing the hands and arms work in unison away from the ball and I don't really want to see too much wrist action here. We could stand here and flick the club back into the right place but this really isn't a good turn of the body this is over using of the wrist in the take away.