For Limited Golf Hip Rotation Use A Different Strategy (Video) - by Pete Styles
For Limited Golf Hip Rotation Use A Different Strategy (Video) - by Pete Styles

I think it’s important sometimes with these golf tips that I record that it say it’s important to understand that not every golfer is built like Mcllroy, you know not everyone has the flexibility or the strength to do the things that we’d always want them to do to create the perfect golf swing. So in this little video now I'm going to have a look at if you have some deficiencies in your ability – physical ability, whether we can make a movement within your hip turn that actually allows you to do the best you can. Now one of the areas that we’re talking about now is turning the upper body allowing the lower half to turn and create some resistance and some coil, but if you feel you're very tight in the lower back or you actually have lower back injuries this movement is going to feel a little bit beyond what you're capable of. So what I would suggest in that position is actually to splay both toes out slightly, maybe also 10 degrees of each side, then as you allow your body to turn back you'll find that your hips and your knees are more able to turn with you and that will take the pressure of the lower back in your backswing, but also coming through to a follow through that should help you come through the ball as well. So it could work that if you're very tight in the lower back and you watch the guys on TV and just watching them gives you backache, maybe opening the toes up a little bit here allow your body to turn a little bit more freely, that should help you stay nice and balanced and maximize the ability you have with that injury.

The other consideration, now and this works for right and left side, is that during your swing if you're particularly tight or injured on one side, your body will start to compensate by putting more body weight than it should on the other side. So for example, if I have a left leg injury, it’s very rare that I'm going to want to stand on that left side, so I'm going to find myself rocking back onto my right side a bit more and then potentially struggling to get forwards. And likewise if my right side is injured, it’s going be very difficult for me to turn and place body weight on my right side. So we can have a little look on how that can benefit you and help you by making small alterations in your set up. If you're right side is injured, leaning onto your left side is okay, stay on your left side, hit down on your left side, that’s not going to cause you too many problems as long as you ball position is far enough up to your left side, but it doesn’t make you rock back and rotate backwards. And likewise if your left side is injured and you want to weight your right side, that can be a little bit more difficult because rotating onto the right side is fine but then where do you go if your left side is injured and you can't really move onto your left side very well you might stay a bit right footed a bit back footed, that’s okay as long as the ball position is over that side with you. So if you're struggling on your left leg and you can't rotate onto it for an injury reason, then bring the ball position into the back third of your stance, put the body right on the right side and then hit down and strike the ball from this right leg. But because the ball position is back over to that side you should still get a nice accurate and better impact position from that. So those are three little alterations that you could make if your lower back or either your legs or hips are injured to help improve your hip rotation.

I think it’s important sometimes with these golf tips that I record that it say it’s important to understand that not every golfer is built like Mcllroy, you know not everyone has the flexibility or the strength to do the things that we’d always want them to do to create the perfect golf swing. So in this little video now I'm going to have a look at if you have some deficiencies in your ability – physical ability, whether we can make a movement within your hip turn that actually allows you to do the best you can. Now one of the areas that we’re talking about now is turning the upper body allowing the lower half to turn and create some resistance and some coil, but if you feel you're very tight in the lower back or you actually have lower back injuries this movement is going to feel a little bit beyond what you're capable of. So what I would suggest in that position is actually to splay both toes out slightly, maybe also 10 degrees of each side, then as you allow your body to turn back you'll find that your hips and your knees are more able to turn with you and that will take the pressure of the lower back in your backswing, but also coming through to a follow through that should help you come through the ball as well. So it could work that if you're very tight in the lower back and you watch the guys on TV and just watching them gives you backache, maybe opening the toes up a little bit here allow your body to turn a little bit more freely, that should help you stay nice and balanced and maximize the ability you have with that injury.

The other consideration, now and this works for right and left side, is that during your swing if you're particularly tight or injured on one side, your body will start to compensate by putting more body weight than it should on the other side. So for example, if I have a left leg injury, it’s very rare that I'm going to want to stand on that left side, so I'm going to find myself rocking back onto my right side a bit more and then potentially struggling to get forwards. And likewise if my right side is injured, it’s going be very difficult for me to turn and place body weight on my right side. So we can have a little look on how that can benefit you and help you by making small alterations in your set up. If you're right side is injured, leaning onto your left side is okay, stay on your left side, hit down on your left side, that’s not going to cause you too many problems as long as you ball position is far enough up to your left side, but it doesn’t make you rock back and rotate backwards. And likewise if your left side is injured and you want to weight your right side, that can be a little bit more difficult because rotating onto the right side is fine but then where do you go if your left side is injured and you can't really move onto your left side very well you might stay a bit right footed a bit back footed, that’s okay as long as the ball position is over that side with you. So if you're struggling on your left leg and you can't rotate onto it for an injury reason, then bring the ball position into the back third of your stance, put the body right on the right side and then hit down and strike the ball from this right leg. But because the ball position is back over to that side you should still get a nice accurate and better impact position from that. So those are three little alterations that you could make if your lower back or either your legs or hips are injured to help improve your hip rotation.