- Type: Semi-private
- Address: 10640 Clubhouse Dr
- City: Cedar Hills
- County: Utah
- State: Utah
- Zip: 84003
- Call to Book Tee Time: (801) 796-1705
In the city of Cedar Hills and the state of Utah you will find Cedar Hills Golf Club. If you want to locate the course geographically the longitude is -111.7625859338 and latitude 40.425289200421. Metal spikes are allowed. This is a Semi-private course.

Golf Course Information
- Number of Holes: 18
- Location Time Zone: MST
- Daylight Savings Time: yes
- Latitude: 40.425289200421
- Longitude: -111.7625859338
- Metal Spikes Allowed: yes
- Play Fives: yes
- Guest Policy Rules: Open
- Dress Code Policy: Collared shirt, no cutoffs, denim OK
- Advance Tee Time Notice: Yes
ID: 6233