- Address: 6545 Pinnacle Dr
- City: Vero Beach
- County: Vero Beach
- State: Florida
- Zip: 32967
- Call to Book Tee Time: 772-299-0093
In the city of Vero Beach and the state of Florida you will find Quail Valley Golf & River Club. If you want to locate the course geographically the longitude is -80.48303108465 and latitude 27.711895658024. The designer of Quail Valley Golf & River Club is Tommy Fazio. Metal spikes are not allowed.
Quail Valley Golf & River Club Course Review
The Quail Valley Golf & River Club is located on an awesome piece of property in the United States Mecca of golfing, and I mean Florida. Playing here youll benefit from a unique golfing experience, and I dare to say unlike any other in the state of Florida. If you know a thing or two about golf facilities in the Sunshine State, youll understand how bold this statement really is. The golf course at Quail Valley Golf & River Club is a masterpiece of design, wearing the signature of the famous architects Tommy Fazio and Nick Price. These two golf-design-masters created a spectacular 18 hole course stretched across 280 acres of property, a golf course which will change your brain-patterns with regard to playing golf as it will offer an unforgettable experience. Truth be told, the golf course is almost perfect, providing an equally challenging experience to all types of golf players, ranging from golfing enthusiasts to pros alike.
Visiting the Quail Valley Golf & River Club will offer you the possibility of enjoying a great round of golf courtesy of its unique course, together with savoring the sprawling tennis, boating and swim facilities, making for a social and sporting experience line none other. One of the most interesting features of the golf course at Quail Valley Golf & River Club is represented by the man made elevation changes, together with the areas rolling terrain and lakes. The layout of the golf course features 7350 yards of golf from its longest tees and it can play completely different from one day to the next courtesy of the South Florida wind, which comes into play when you expect it the least. If there ever was an excellent risk vs reward golf course, this baby comes very close to perfection in this regard. If you hit awesome drives, youll be rewarded with easy second-shots in the greens and so on and so forth. Maybe the best feature of the Quail Valley Golf & River Club is that the golf course and other amenities are totally separate, i.e. the golf club is all about golf whilst the River Club, which is located eight miles away is everything about social interaction, making the Quail Valley Golf & River Club the best of both worlds.

Golf Course Information
- Metal Spikes Allowed: no
- Play Fives: no
- Guest Policy Rules: n
- Dress Code Policy: No denim, collared shirt and bermuda shorts required
- Walking Allowed: no
ID: 18719